Introduction post? I'm not much for them. I don't like ones that intersperse hashtags. Here's mine.
I'm an anarchosocialist in the USA. I've felt this way since my teens, I'm in my 40s now. If anything, I'm getting MORE left/progressive as I get older. I'm about helping people. Redistributing wealth. Taking it from hoarding fucks that make everyone else suffer. We all know it, but we need to DO things about it. Spreading information helps.
That's why I'm here. To try and not bitch too much about day to day drama or the fascist demagogues in power, but to also hopefully give useful, practical ideas to free yourself more.
And also to recognize the cool stuff on Earth--nature, everything else. Buckle up.
#anarchist #socialist #socialism #antifa #antifascist #antifascism #AntiCap #AntiCapitalist #AntiCapitalism #woke #freedom #humanity #science #nature #corporatocracy #AntiCorporatocracy #SmashTheState #NoGodsNoMasters #AntiCorporate #fedi22 tfr #FuckCorporations #theft #TimeTheft
#anarchist #socialist #socialism #antifa #antifascist #antifascism #anticap #anticapitalist #anticapitalism #woke #freedom #humanity #science #nature #corporatocracy #anticorporatocracy #smashthestate #nogodsnomasters #anticorporate #fedi22 #fuckcorporations #theft #timetheft
Contrairement à ce que dit l'article, la détention est autorisee en france, elle sera interdite en 2026. Il reste 4 orques au Marineland d'Antibes.
#kiska #vegan #anticap #captivite #liberation
#kiska #vegan #anticap #captivite #liberation
@rbreich Anti trust laws have very little effect since both RW parties (dems and repubs) are owned by Big Capital. #anticap #democratsarerightwing #monopolies #antitrust #amazon
#amazon #antitrust #monopolies #democratsarerightwing #anticap
@MarkRuffalo I just saw the Dupont movie!! #dupont #evilcapitalism #anticap
#anticap #evilcapitalism #dupont
Fuckin love how the power company will jack up the rates and then send out marketing and ad campaigns giving people tips on how to lower their energy bill. It deflects responsibility onto the individual when it was the Utility's capitalistic money-hungry practices that fucked us over in the first place. They kick us into the mud when we're already down, then throw us pennies under the guise of aid #fuckutilities #powercompany #anticapitalism #power #powertothepeople #anticap #theresabetterway
#fuckutilities #powercompany #anticapitalism #power #powertothepeople #anticap #theresabetterway
To those who are against the squirrel #storing the acorn, we can see why you dislike #capitalism.
Storage is evil. Bad #storage.
But scurry along while thinking squirrels work on removing netting and various mechanisms that funnel the great many #acorns into the pouches of the most greedy and sociopathic of the #squirrels.
#antiCap #CEOs #autocracy #technocracy #scomo #politicians #cronyism #corporatism
#storing #capitalism #storage #acorns #squirrels #anticap #CEOs #autocracy #technocracy #scomo #politicians #cronyism #corporatism