Hey #Fediverse, is there an alternative search engine whose #algorithm is more #transparent and #anticapital than #Google, which is fair and reliable?
#Fediverse #Algorithm #transparent #anticapital #google
Desde Hispagatos damos todo el apoyo a nuestros compas en la calle respondiendo al estado fascista y al circo del capital que ha encarcelado a Pablo Hasel #PabloHasel
#anticapital #rebelion :anarchiststar: :molotov:
#pablohasel #anticapital #rebelion
Desde Hispagatos damos todo el apoyo a nuestros compas en la calle respondiendo al estado fascista y al circo del capital que ha encarcelado a Pablo Hasel #PabloHasel
#anticapital #rebelion :anarchiststar: :molotov:
#pablohasel #anticapital #rebelion
Self-promotional interlude: The first Adzes EP is up for pre-orders this week; full album launch this Friday! Thanks to everyone that's checked it out thus far, I'm really excited that people are listening, and I'm getting more tracks ready to go.
#metal #doom #noiserock #postmetal #climate #climatechange #anticapital #music
#metal #noiserock #postmetal #climate #climatechange #anticapital #music #doom