If you are on Facebook I run this page
Non-committal labour induced memes for depressed disenfranchised post teens
Where I try teach people about l capitalism and anti capitalism, how to spot right wing shit, and talk about how the labour party is right wing and occasionally encourage people to vote green (yes I know greens aren't left enough but they are the best we have within the system, I also post a lot about Anarcho communism, harm reduction includes political harm reduction)
Please consider following and sharing posts, especially if you live in #Aoteaora #AotearoaNZ #NZTwit #nztwitts #nztwitter #NZTwitter #anticapitalismNZ #anticapitalism
I make no money from this. But it's kinda been my lil project for a while. It doesn't take a lot of effort to repost stuff most of the time vs my usual hobbies which I'm still trying to start up again but my focus is so incredibly bad still after my covid infection in May last year.
If you would like to donate tho I am gathering donations for a move out of emergency housing and into permanent social housing hopefully this march. Link in pinned post. I will also boost it so people can see.
#Aoteaora #AotearoaNZ #NZTwit #nztwitts #NZTwitter #anticapitalismnz #anticapitalism