Nando161 · @nando161
908 followers · 39059 posts · Server

"Face the . We are tied to our devices in ways that are incredibly useful for organizing, but that also expose us to isolation should the state and companies take away these technologies. Cell and the rely on corporate infrastructure and is subject to both and service denial. What do we do when social media bans and ? What do we do when our cell phones fully become monitoring devices we willingly keep by our side, all to the benefit of state intelligence services? What happens when our cell phone numbers are blocked from service? How will the continue to locally, regionally, and internationally?

These are the questions that have been left in the dust, forgotten or ignored in favor of more romantic visions of armed struggle. forget; no struggle has ever been successful without robust communication networks that are not subject to state control. From the French in WWII to the in the Lacandon Jungle, communications matter!

Here, we will propose ways that you can start building this infrastructure, TODAY. As we slip further into the future, we must build, lest we be left defenseless and disconnected from each other."

#facts #phones #internet #government #surveillance #anticapitalists #anticolonialists #revolutionaries #communicate #people #resistance #zapatistas #Fascist

Last updated 1 year ago

Nando161 · @nando161
173 followers · 4670 posts · Server
Streeter Sweeper · @streetersweeper
14 followers · 52 posts · Server

@Woodchaz yeah definitely agree that no platform should be off limits for , not even Twitter. I do think if they were interested in organizing and movement building there would be more conscientiousness around the fact they are broadcasting in such a capitalist space. Lots of other creators that don't even opine on anti-capitalism do so by actively seeking other fledgling creators and trying to boost them.

#anticapitalists #leftist

Last updated 2 years ago

also jess 🏴‍☠️ · @jessdkant
125 followers · 127 posts · Server

Back to grading. Trying to teach conflict theory to students and wanting to incorporate more about and but feeling like Gramscian thought is a growing edge for me. Curious if and on @kolektiva would change this, or if I missed something. I don't want to waste a student's time with my half-baked thoughts.

#SocalWork #CaptialistRealism #gramsci #marxists #anticapitalists

Last updated 2 years ago

n8chz · @n8chz
337 followers · 1936 posts · Server

In Dr. Long's schema, caps, macks, and socks, caps represent ("anarcho") capitalists, macks represent (F)MACs, or free(d)-market , and socks represent social . As for myself, turning against was merely a means to the end of turning against the metaphor.

#anticapitalists #anarchists #authority #market #anagorism

Last updated 2 years ago

ReK2 :ancom: :crt_w_prompt: · @rek2
1557 followers · 2409 posts · Server

rendering our anarchist hacker :crt_w_prompt: show! this will be our 16th show in now more than 2 years of interviews, hacker activism, conferences, underground, freedom fighting and hacking the system reports! all in Spanish for our Latin/Hispanic underground community of a(A)a :party_parrot: :awesome_rotate: :hacker: :blackcat: :antifa:

#hackers #anarchism #hackthesystem #anticapitalists

Last updated 7 years ago