Nemo · @evnnbd
3 followers · 4 posts · Server
Kaylynne · @KaylynneH
33 followers · 211 posts · Server

So, for the past few weeks, I’ve been trying to find podcasts that are , , , , , , , etc. They don’t necessarily have to be about contemporary politics but explore related topics.
(Things along the lines of The Audit, The War on Cars, Srsly Wrong, Citations Needed, Movies vs Capitalism, etc.)

But I’m noticing a LOT of cis-men?! (Only two of the above podcasts have *A* female-identifying cohost).

#historical #activist #leftist #anticar #socialist #prounion #anticapitalism

Last updated 1 year ago

No One · @No_One
35 followers · 288 posts · Server

@amwenglish @Nae_Midion

The only good car is a dead car.

All Cars Are Burnable

Yes, the fire caused some pollution but not nearly as much as those cars being driven for 300,000km before ending up in the same scrapyard would have.

We are running out of time. We need to get serious to slow down or stop the climate crisis.

I know anti-car sentiment was not the motivation for this bit of fun but the results are anti-car and I love it.

#acab #anticar #fuckcars #banfossilfuel #bancars #burncars #carbecue #antifascism #anticapitalism #newgreennewdeal

Last updated 2 years ago

No One · @No_One
33 followers · 224 posts · Server


When one is an alcoholic, they don't drink alcohol, the alcohol drinks them. The same is true of car dependence.

You aren't driving the car, the car is driving you.

The car is forcing you to work more and enjoy life less.

Get rid of it!

You can rent a van if you really need it for moving something heavy.

#anticar #bancars #fuckcars #thewaroncars

Last updated 2 years ago

CubeOfCheese · @cubeofcheese
23 followers · 535 posts · Server

@lowqualityfacts Oh so it's not just because I follow that I see so much content! That's a good sign I think

#orangepilled #anticar #urbanism

Last updated 2 years ago

Raph · @raph
355 followers · 273 posts · Server

It's amazing seeing the backlash against SUVs in Europe. People are so fed up with the space they take and the pollution they produce that activists regularly deflate SUV tires, and now some cities are considering taxing vehicles based on weight and emissions.

The anti-SUV uprising is coming πŸ’ͺ

#waroncars #anticar #publictransit #tacticalurbanism

Last updated 2 years ago

Kevin · @KevinLikesMaps
521 followers · 1786 posts · Server

I am and in general but today is a prime example of why I hate actually using . I have a 4 mile trip to an appointment in the same city. It's cold, rainy, windy, it's going to snow. It will take 2 buses + a half mile walk. About 45 min total. None of the stops have shelter or benches. Almost no one wears masks on board.

WHY would anyone take transit if they have another choice? If you want to ban cars you have to make transit better FIRST.
FYI both my house and the office are on prominent, busy roads near major intersections.

I don't own a car so I'm taking an Uber.

#protransit #anticar #publictransit #urbanplanning #urbanism #milwaukee #mcts #bus #transit #bancars

Last updated 2 years ago

Bee · @bee
233 followers · 406 posts · Server

A difference between my and experiences:
Over there folks are in an excited conversation about .

On the 🐘 I follow things like , and : Fast trains and subways and roads made for bikes.
The car and airplane lobbyists really did the US dirty, in many places, electric car is the best option.

I'm sure these threads are in response to the thing, but it's interesting to see the difference on platforms.

#Fediverse #twitter #electriccars #transit #anticar #urbanism #walkable #walkablestreets #greta

Last updated 2 years ago

Bee · @bee
233 followers · 406 posts · Server

A difference between my and experiences:
Over there folks are in an excited conversation about . They seem thrilled at the prospect of spending all the money on these small people movers.
Over here on the 🐘 I follow things like , and and these folks dream big. Fast trains and subways and roads made for bikes.
The car and airplane lobbyists really did the US dirty.

#Fediverse #twitter #electriccars #transit #anticar #urbanism #walkable #walkablestreets

Last updated 2 years ago

trishanderton · @trishanderton
160 followers · 516 posts · Server
Joey Ayoub · @ayoub
1691 followers · 219 posts · Server

12 best ways to get cars out of cities

"A recent analysis found the emissions saved from electric cars have been more than cancelled out by the increase in gas-guzzling Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs)"

#anticar #transportation #pollution #commoning

Last updated 2 years ago

ian carlton music · @teuast
2 followers · 8 posts · Server

The War On Cars Episode 30
The Automotive Police State
Explores how the 4th Amendment was gutted by the rise of the automobile. It's the first episode of The War On Cars I ever listened to.

#thewaroncars #fuckcars #anticar #acab #stopfascism #automotivepolicestate #blm #fourthamendment

Last updated 2 years ago

@AaronDodd I don't want to lower the driving age; I want those dirty, loud, dangerous machines banned from the roads. The new driving age should be 127 years old.

#anticar #fuckcars #notjustbikes #thewaroncars

Last updated 2 years ago

chris :mstdnca: · @relevantworm
50 followers · 140 posts · Server

Alright let's get this ball rolling.
As everyone is no doubt aware, the end of this week is . What people are not so aware of is the ever decreasing need for excessive amounts of parking spaces available, paved specifically for this day.

This Friday, when you're out either shopping or just passing by, take note at how full parking lots really are.

Tag with photos, spread the word that parking minimums are a thing of the past!

#blackfriday #blackfridayparking #strongtowns #anticar #urbanism

Last updated 2 years ago

AmiW 🎨 · @AmiW
3622 followers · 12809 posts · Server

πŸ…ΏοΈ Artist: - in City: Germany πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ - Title: "Free Parking"- (for ) - ... See you πŸ‘‹

#artwork #anticar #graffiti #Mural #MastoArt #art #streetart #wallscandance #Harburg #hamburg #davethechimp

Last updated 2 years ago

chris :mstdnca: · @relevantworm
50 followers · 140 posts · Server

North America has a fundamental problem with the way we look at city development that needs to be addressed.

Suburban sprawl not only acts as social class segregation, it also happens to be financially unsustainable for the city. Infinite growth with limited resources just isn't possible.

#anticar #cbc #urbanism #strongtowns #NotJustBikes

Last updated 2 years ago