It's a sunny (and wet) Saturday here in London but what better way to remove the need to worry about what it is like outside when you can stay in and listen to amazing music.

Two new slices of aural goodness available for you now on ANR.


#anticipatingnowhererecords #cassetteculture #cassettetapes

Last updated 1 year ago

Release day at ANR towers with 2 fantastic new, sonic adventures for you from ceribythesea and @selfish_limbs


Limited to 20 cassettes each w/alternate cover insert. Digital d/l also available.

ANR2.05: uncle-mum - A Strange Car Moves to Encounter a Greater Brightness

ANR2.06: Selfish Limbs - Sonic Blankets

#newrelease #BandCamp #dystopian #ambient #soundscape #drone #anticipatingnowhererecords #cassetteculture #cassettetapes

Last updated 2 years ago