3/ We have come a long way in recent years for #EWS, #EWEA #FBEA #FBF and #anticipatoryaction.
We have evidence of what works well, what does not work well.
But we still have gaps in our knowledge and in our application and implementation.
#EWS #ewea #fbea #fbf #anticipatoryaction
Today I am delighted to invite the @EWEA_FLN members to respond to two questions on #FBEA #FBF #anticipatoryaction - looking forward to hearing their thoughts, opinions and experiences on this topic!
#fbea #fbf #anticipatoryaction
5/ #anticipatoryaction overlaps with #EWS:
#EWS focuses on response activities before the disaster.
#anticipatoryaction also includes activities after the disaster, but the activities are linked to the forecast and early warning thresholds, so response is sooner.
4/ #anticipatoryaction #FBEA & #FBF utilise forecast and early warning information and link it to funding, policies, plans and protocols to proactively take action so that we can stop predictable climate-related hazards from becoming humanitarian emergencies.
#anticipatoryaction #fbea #fbf
1/ This morning we are going to be talking about #anticipatoryaction #AA #forecastbasedearlyaction #FBEA #forecastbasedfinancing #FBF - the hot topic on everyone's agenda - and how it relates/overlaps with #EWS
#anticipatoryaction #aa #forecastbasedearlyaction #fbea #forecastbasedfinancing #fbf #EWS
Significant progress has been made, particularly by the humanitarian community to act earlier and reduce the burden of post-disaster response – we will chat about #FBF #FBEA and #anticipatoryaction later this week.
#fbf #fbea #anticipatoryaction