In the early part of this month, August, which was just two weeks ago this past Wednesday, I was admitted to the hospital due to a serious blood clot and was treated by a team of professionals in light of the situation. This was originally from a post on Twitter that got shared by me on Facebook and then ultimately on Instagram:
#bloodclot #ultrasound #mri #heparin #anticoagulant #intravenous #diuretic #hospital #irregularheartbeat #health #safety #wellness #body #vitality #recovery #patience
#patience #recovery #vitality #body #wellness #Safety #Health #irregularheartbeat #Hospital #diuretic #intravenous #anticoagulant #heparin #mri #ultrasound #bloodclot
"A single owl family can kill 8,000 rodents each year."
"But there are also particular conservation problems for owls. As predators, often of rodents, owls are susceptible to the accumulation of persistent pesticides (notably anticoagulant rodenticides such as brodifacoum) that we use to control rats and mice around our houses or more extensively for rodent plagues in crops."
"In Australia, we are profligate in our use of such chemicals and lax in our regulation of them. Secondary poisoning of owls is thus common. One study from Western Australia detected anticoagulant rodenticides in 72% of boobook owls found dead or moribund."
"During recent Australian mouse plagues, the New South Wales government sought an emergency permit to make available large quantities of the rodenticide bromadiolone. This poison is known to have cumulative impacts across food chains, particularly to predators such as owls. Its proposed use was ultimately quashed by the Commonwealth regulatory agency, largely because of such concerns."
#pesticides #regulation #anticoagulant #rodenticides #brodifacoum #FoodChain #owls #birds
#pesticides #regulation #anticoagulant #rodenticides #brodifacoum #foodchain #owls #birds
After being laid up with flu, watch out for blood clots. This wasn't something I was thinking of and it almost killed me.
Symptoms: swelled leg, pains in chest. Finally went to doctors and an emergency hospital visit saved the day.
Now on anticoagulants for 6 months.
We are all busy but be aware.
#flu #BloodClots #swelling #chestpain #pulmonaryembolism #deepveinthrombosis #anticoagulant
Happy #PharmPhriday! Earlier for #MedicineMonday, I said I’d share more about #warfarin, one of the earliest #anticoagulant drugs.
In the 1920s, there was an outbreak of cattle dying of hemorrhaging after routine procedures. Veterinarians Frank Schofield and Lee Roderick identified moldy silage from sweet clover as the cause. Chemists led by Karl Link identifed the anticoagulating agent, dicoumarin, and further developed it for use as rat poison (1948) then clinically for humans (1954).
#PharmPhriday #MedicineMonday #warfarin #anticoagulant
In these first results from HEAL-COVID, it’s been shown that prescribing the oral #anticoagulant #Apixaban does not stop #COVID patients from later #dying or being readmitted to #hospital over the following year
#Covid19 #Medical #Pharmaceutical #sflorg
#anticoagulant #Apixaban #covid #dying #hospital #COVID19 #medical #pharmaceutical #sflorg
Sea buckthorn leaf and twig extracts found to have #antioxidant and #anticoagulant activities