‘Nehru and the Spirit Of India’: A timely study of a vision for a secular and tolerant India
The book is centrally focussed on Jawaharlal Nehru’s imagination of India as an inclusive political community.
#BookReview #ManashFiraqBhattacharjee #JawaharlalNehru #nehru #history #secularism #anticolonialism #culture #FreedomStruggle #IndianHistory #HinduNationalism #hindutva #communalism #books #bookstodon #histodon #india
#bookreview #manashfiraqbhattacharjee #jawaharlalnehru #nehru #history #secularism #anticolonialism #culture #freedomstruggle #indianhistory #HinduNationalism #hindutva #Communalism #books #bookstodon #Histodon #india
"Black Power: Politics of Liberation in America", by Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael) & Charles V. Hamilton
An eloquent document of the civil rights movement that remains a work of profound social relevance 50 years after it was first published.
A revolutionary work since its publication, Black Power exposed the depths of systemic racism in this country and provided a radical political framework for reform: true and lasting social change would only be accomplished through unity among African-Americans and their independence from the preexisting order.
Bio: Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Ture) (1941-1998)
#currentlyreading #blackpower #BlackMastodon #anticolonialism #anticapitalism
Records of the Maji Maji Rising, Part One by G. C. K. Gwassa; John Iliffe
#MajiMajiRising, #MajiMaji, #MajiMajiUprising, #MajiMajiRebellion, #anticolonialism, #germancolonialism, #germanimperialism, #germanempire, #historyofTanzania, #Tanzanianhistory, #VitavyaMajiMaji, #germaneastAfrica
Historical Association of Tanzania Paper #4
It does not seem like there was ever a part 2
#majimajirising #majimaji #majimajiuprising #majimajirebellion #anticolonialism #germancolonialism #germanimperialism #germanempire #historyoftanzania #tanzanianhistory #vitavyamajimaji #germaneastafrica
@kierkegaank When more than half of agricultural land was in foreign hands and eighty-five percent of peasants worked land they did not own this was a sensible move. #anticolonialism
The cruelty and inhumanity is the point.
This is a short piece so doesn't have 2 crucial pts.
1) need to change underlying conditions that create the desperation for people to take risky journeys for an uncertain future.
2) the role the USA and other rich countries have played in creating those conditions.
A just world is a world where people can move as freely across borders as capital does today.
#Migration #Colonization #Decolonization #AntiColonialism
#anticolonialism #decolonization #colonization #migration
📖 The book "Transnational solidarity: Anticolonialism in the global sixties" (@ManchesterUP ) includes chapters by Victor Barros and Aurora Almada e Santos, on the liberation movements in the #PortugueseColonies in #Africa and the action of the #AmericanCommitteeOnAfrica, respectively.
#Histodons #Colonialism #AntiColonialism #LiberationWars #Angola #TransnationalHistory #ContemporaryHistory
#portuguesecolonies #africa #americancommitteeonafrica #histodons #colonialism #anticolonialism #liberationwars #angola #transnationalhistory #contemporaryhistory
“European opulence is literally scandalous because it was built on the backs of slaves .. and the corpses of the Negroes, the Arabs, the Indians, and the yellow people. This we decide not to forget.”
Frantz Fanon, 1961.
#colonialism #anticolonialism #fanon #algeria
Is there a good critique of #industrialism? Especially from point of view of #anticolonialism.
#industrialism #anticolonialism
⚠️ Este é o último fim-de-semana da exposição #AmílcarCabral, que assinala os 50 anos do assassinato do fundador e líder histórico do #PAIGC através de 50 objectos, num percurso biográfico e pós-biográfico, da vida às "vidas póstumas".
A curadoria é de José Neves e Leonor Pires Martins.
📍 Está patente no Palácio Baldaya com entrada gratuita.
#50Anos25Abril #25A50 #Histodons #HistoryInThePublicSphere #AntiColonialism #LiberationWars #HistoryExhibitions
#amilcarcabral #paigc #50anos25abril #25A50 #histodons #historyinthepublicsphere #anticolonialism #liberationwars #historyexhibitions
🗣 The organising committee of the conference "The Unilateral Proclamation of Independence of Guinea-Bissau: Fifty Years Later (1973-2023)" has extended the call for oral communications until 30 June. 🇬🇼
#histodons #CFP #LiberationWars #GuineaBissau #Colonialism #ColonialHistory #AntiColonialism
#histodons #cfp #liberationwars #guineabissau #colonialism #colonialhistory #anticolonialism
📰 A série de crónicas e testemunhos "O Mundo de Amílcar Cabral", publicada pelo @Publico, terminou esta semana, com um texto de Miguel Cardina e Inês Nascimento Rodrigues acerca das "vidas póstumas" de #AmílcarCabral em #CaboVerde e na #GuinéBissau. 🇨🇻🇬🇼
A exposição que serviu de mote para esta série encerra já no dia 25 de Junho. Não percam!
#histodons #AntiColonialism #50Anos25Abril #25A50 #CapeVerde #GuineaBissau #HistoryInThePublicSphere
#amilcarcabral #caboverde #guinebissau #histodons #anticolonialism #50anos25abril #25A50 #capeverde #guineabissau #historyinthepublicsphere
📰 Esta semana, a série "O Mundo de Amílcar Cabral", no @Publico, traz-nos mais um testemunho nórdico sobre #AmílcarCabral: o finlandês #MikkoPyhälä visitou as zonas libertadas da Guiné-Bissau em 1970 munido de um gravador, uma câmara fotográfica e outra de filmar. Os registos dessa aventura disseminaram a luta do #PAIGC na #Finlândia. 🇫🇮
#histodons #50Anos25Abril #25A50 #GuineaBissau #AntiColonialism #HistoryInThePublicSphere #SciComm #SciComPT #Finland
#amilcarcabral #mikkopyhala #paigc #finlandia #histodons #50anos25abril #25A50 #guineabissau #anticolonialism #historyinthepublicsphere #scicomm #SciComPT #finland
I did a shitty edit of the "You Dont Hate Mondays" slogan for a chat with ex-co-workers. Please enjoy (or remake it better, IDK).
#AntiCapitalism #AntiColonialism #NoWarButClassWar #EatTheRich #Capitalism #Colonialism
#anticapitalism #anticolonialism #nowarbutclasswar #eattherich #capitalism #colonialism
#Anticolonialism and #DirectDemocracy
"If we are serious about developing a revolutionary, #anti-imperialist, #anti-capitalist, and #decolonial alternative to the exploitative current state of global affairs, we then must look beyond authoritarian nation-states and stronger local bourgeois, and towards the self-action of common people around the world and their potential for transnational cooperation. First step in this direction is being able to listen to what the grassroots of each locality are actually saying, and offer them our solidarity and support when resisting neo-colonial and neo-imperialist aggression." - Yavor Tarinski
#anticolonialism #directdemocracy #anti #decolonial
🗣 The call for proposals of the international conference "The Unilateral Proclamation of Independence of Guinea-Bissau: Fifty Years Later (1973-2023)" closes on 10 June.
It aims to reflect on the proclamation of #GuineaBissau independence through the lens of connected histories, considering its local, regional, international and transnational dimensions. 🇬🇼
#histodons #Colonialism #AntiColonialism #PoliticalHistory #AfricanHistory #CFP
#guineabissau #histodons #colonialism #anticolonialism #PoliticalHistory #Africanhistory #cfp
📖 Num capítulo publicado no livro "Modos de Fazer, Modos de Ser", na secção "Modos de Ver", Catarina Laranjeiro analisa uma foto de Milicianos do PAIGC encontrada no Arquivo Amílcar Cabral, reportando-se à Luta de Libertação na Guiné-Bissau.
No seu texto, a investigadora explora como a fotografia foi um poderoso pilar da experiência colonial.
🔓 O texto pode ser lido em #AcessoAberto aqui: https://books.openedition.org/etnograficapress/8158
#histodons #AntiColonialism #LiberationWars #PAIGC #VisualSources
#acessoaberto #histodons #anticolonialism #liberationwars #paigc #visualsources
Using the En-ROADS simulator I have modelled a scenario close to this, link below.
Many detailed settings have been adjusted. You can click the blue tripled dots to see them. No model assumption have been changed.
Within the parameter limits available I have applied the maximum rates of tax and fossil fuel phase out, maximum afforestation / minimum deforestation and maximum land use improvements, transition to far lower animal diets, plus and other methane and GHG reductions.
The scenario generates a net $170tn in tax revenue over subsidies which would mostly come from the Global North (GN). This comes from the carbon and FF taxes, and after the transition to renewables is almost complete a $0.01/KWh tax on renewables and nuclear generates the rest.
In the model it is not possible to transfer this for the benefit of the developing nations, but the effect would be to reduce GN GDP/Capita growth and increase that of the GS.
Temperature rise starts to reduce within a few years, +1.0C in 2100 and falling. Atmospheric CO2 is 350ppm in 2100 and falling.
The price to pay for this? Energy costs rise rapidly by a factor of five. There is no free way out of the hole we are in, of course.
#EnROADS #ClimateCrisis #AntiColonialism #Degrpwth #Renewables #CarbonTax #ClimateJustice
#EnROADS #ClimateCrisis #anticolonialism #degrpwth #renewables #carbontax #ClimateJustice
📰 Não será um facto tão conhecido, mas o #PAIGC era o movimento africano que recebia mais apoio da Suécia.
Em mais um texto da série "O Mundo de Amílcar Cabral", no @Publico, Lars Rudebeck, que esteve com #AmílcarCabral tanto na Suécia como na Guiné, dá o seu testemunho sobre essa relação. 🇸🇪
#histodons #50Anos25Abril #25A50 #AntiColonialism #Sweden #GuineaBissau #HistoryInThePublicSphere #SciComm #SciComPT
#paigc #amilcarcabral #histodons #50anos25abril #25A50 #anticolonialism #sweden #guineabissau #historyinthepublicsphere #scicomm #SciComPT