Today in Labor History September 4, 1949: The Peekskill riots at a Paul Robeson concert in Peekskill, New York. A mob of locals attacked concert-goers with baseball bats and rocks. Police arrived hours later and did little to intervene. Thirteen people were seriously injured, Robeson was lynched in effigy and a cross was burned on the hillside. Robeson was well known for his strong pro-trade union stance, civil rights activism, communist affiliations and anti-colonialism. He also had been increasingly vocal against the Ku Klux Klan and other forces of white supremacy. The concert was a benefit for the Civil Rights Congress. Just prior to the riots, Robeson had spoken at Soviet-sponsored World Peace Conference in Paris, where he said the following:
“We in America do not forget that it was on the backs of white workers from Europe and on the backs of millions of blacks that the wealth of America was built. And we are resolved to share it equally. We reject any hysterical raving that urges us to make war on anyone. Our will to fight for peace is strong.... We shall support peace and friendship among all nations, with Soviet Russia and the People's Republics.”
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #peekskill #NewYork #Riot #racism #communism #anticommunism #PaulRobeson #soviet #ussr #police #colonialism #peace #antiwar #union #CivilRights
#workingclass #LaborHistory #peekskill #newyork #Riot #racism #communism #anticommunism #PaulRobeson #soviet #ussr #police #colonialism #peace #antiwar #union #civilrights
Today in Labor History August 15, 1918: The American 27th Infantry landed in Vladivostok to join a Japanese-initiated attack against Bolshevist forces. The soldiers suffered from problems with fuel, ammunition, supplies, and food. Their horses, used to temperate climates, couldn’t function in sub-zero Russia. And their water-cooled machine guns froze and became useless. During their 19 months in Siberia, 189 U.S. soldiers died.
Upton Sinclair referenced the Siberian expedition in his novel “Oil!” and blamed capitalist motives for the intervention.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #imperialism #ussr #soviet #russia #communism #anticommunism #siberia #books #author #writer #fiction #novel @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #imperialism #ussr #soviet #russia #communism #anticommunism #siberia #books #author #writer #fiction #novel
Those US prosecutors and bureaucrats wanted justice, but not *too much* of it. For them, denazification had to be balanced against #anticommunism, and the imperatives of American business. Nazi war criminals must go on trial - but not if they were rocket scientists, especially not if the USSR might make use of them:
Today in Labor History June 12, 1964: The Apartheid government of South Africa sentenced Nelson Mandela to life imprisonment for sabotage. He was imprisoned on Robben Island from 1964-1982, and then in several other prisons, finally being released in 1992, after twenty-seven consecutive years. Prior to this, he had served several other prison sentences for being a communist, and for organizing against Apartheid, thanks, in part, to collaboration by the CIA. Not long after his release, the Apartheid regime fell, and in 1994, Mandela was elected the as the first black president of South Africa.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #NelsonMandela #prison #apartheid #SouthAfrica #racism #communism #cia #anticommunism
#workingclass #LaborHistory #nelsonmandela #prison #apartheid #southafrica #racism #communism #cia #anticommunism
@kobilacroix because #anticommunism and #antisocialism are so rampant in the #USA that #LateStageCapitalism as a form of #Neufeudalism is basically the quasi-#StateReligion of it.
#statereligion #neufeudalism #latestagecapitalism #USA #antisocialism #anticommunism
“If it had not been for the accident of my birth, I would have been an anti-Semite.”
-Henry Kissinger
He may be a German Jew who fled the Nazis, but he has allied himself with the same forces who cheered Hitler on, who enabled him, who have encouraged and supported Hitler-imitators throughout the world.
* >1million dead from U.S. bombs, napalm & pesticides in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos during his tenure as Secretary of State (along with 30,000 mostly working-class U.S. citizens)
*Torture & murder of tens of thousands of Chileans under Pinochet, after the Kissinger-U.S. supported overthrow of Allende
*Operation Condor, to hunt down & slaughter revolutionaries throughout Latin America
*Indonesian invasion of East Timor & genocide (1975), which killed up to 300,000
*Military slaughter & genocide in Bangladesh (1971) which killed up to 3 million people
*Support for dictatorships in Spain, Portugal, Greece, S Arabia, Iran.
*Support for right-wing insurgencies in Africa
#kissinger #fascism #antisemitism #imperialism #genocide #massacre #anticommunism #ColdWar
#kissinger #fascism #antisemitism #imperialism #genocide #massacre #anticommunism #coldwar
Yesterday from @pluralistic:
“There's been a lot of ink spilled on the Trump transformation of the GOP, but Dems’ transformation from a party representing labor to a party representing McKinsey consultants is less well understood. … Both Left Behind and The Conservative Revolutionaries grapple with way the end of the Cold War and the Reagan era transformed both parties. … Without ‘anticommunism’ to animate it, the Reagan coalition thrashed in a void ….”
“One percent of the people have eighty-two percent of the world’s annual #wealth; eight men have the wealth of half the #planet, etc. By positing #communism as a source of #deprivation, as an #ideology based on taking away your #property, #anticommunism conceals the #fact that you don’t actually have any property to begin with.”
- Jodi Dean
#quotes #quote
#wealth #planet #communism #deprivation #ideology #Property #anticommunism #fact #quotes #quote
Today in Labor History April 10, 1947: FBI agents visited Ronald Reagan (then president of the Screen Actors Guild) and his wife Jane Wyman, accusing them of belonging to a communist front group. To prove his loyalty, Reagan agreed to become a secret informer and went on to have a long and illustrious career as an anti-communist.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #communism #RonaldReagan #anticommunism #fbi #union #ScreenActorsGuild
#workingclass #LaborHistory #communism #ronaldreagan #anticommunism #fbi #union #ScreenActorsGuild
"Part fascist #propaganda, part Epcot ride, the Victims of Communism “museum” is actually just three claustrophobic rooms of dystopian imagery and haunted house sounds, all designed to shock and appall."
Red Scared: Revising history at the #VictimsOfCommunismMuseum
#HolocaustRevisionism #HistoricalRevisionism #fascism #nazism #anticommunism #VictimsOfCommunismMemorialFoundation
#victimsofcommunismmemorialfoundation #anticommunism #nazism #fascism #historicalrevisionism #holocaustrevisionism #victimsofcommunismmuseum #billieanania #propaganda
(5/5) After the war, Witold Pilecki allied himself with the Polish government in exile and campaigned against the Soviet installed communist government. He was arrested May 8, 1947, tortured, convicted in a show trial, and executed on May 25, 1948.
#Poland #ww2 #aushwitz #holocaust #anticommunism #antifascism #resistance
Today in Labor History December 9, 1953: General Electric announced it would fire all Communist employees.
#generalelectric #communism #anticommunism #labor #workingclass #solidarity #Unions
#generalelectric #communism #anticommunism #labor #workingclass #solidarity #Unions
Herzliche Einladung zur Filmvorführung «Mr. Jones» (Originaltitel «Red Secrets – Im Fadenkreuz Stalins», 🇺🇦🇵🇱🇬🇧2019) von Agnieszka Holland am 8.12., 19 Uhr im Kino Brotfabrik Berlin. Der Eintritt ist frei. Mehr Infos:
#geschichte #antikommunismus #anticommunism #history #ukraine #genocide #völkermord #soviet #sovietunion #holodomor #stalin #putin #kpd #sed #udssr #sowjetunion #russland #afd #dielinke #komplizen #mitläufer #nutzniesser #willigehelfer #mörder #mörder #mörder
#morder #willigehelfer #nutzniesser #mitlaufer #Komplizen #dielinke #afd #russland #sowjetunion #udssr #sed #kpd #putin #stalin #holodomor #sovietunion #soviet #volkermord #genocide #ukraine #history #anticommunism #antikommunismus #geschichte
The Times of London reports that #Mussolini and Italian #fascists came to power through extensive British support. #BritishEmpire diplomats and intelligenciers provided money, intelligence, and logistical support to the Blackshirts:
"Documents from the UK National Archives reveal that the British ambassador to Italy, Sir Ronald Graham, was in touch with the leaders of the march [on Rome] days before the event"
#mussolini #fascists #britishempire #history #parapolitics #anticommunism
The Times of London reports that #Mussolini and Italian #fascists came to power through extensive British support. #BritishEmpire diplomats and intelligenciers provided money, intelligence, and logistical support to the Blackshirts:
"Documents from the UK National Archives reveal that the British ambassador to Italy, Sir Ronald Graham, was in touch with the leaders of the march [on Rome] days before the event"
#mussolini #fascists #britishempire #history #parapolitics #anticommunism
Currently reading The Jakarta Method by Vincent Bevins. Fast and fair read on the dangers of anti-communism and the atrocities the so-called United States of America committed in the name of global US hegemonic rule. Would love to discuss the book and/or get recommendations for similar reading!
#bookstodon #communism #Communist #anticommunism
04-06-1989 ---- Never forget Tienanmen
[Photo :]
#tienanmen #freedom #democracy #anticommunism
Wananchi Declaration: The Programme of the Kenya People's Union by Kenya People's Union
#Kenya, #politicalplatforms, #politicalparties, #socialism, #antiimperialism, #Uhuru, #Africansocialism, #socialisminAfrica, #anticommunism, #KPU, #KenyaPeoplesUnion, #OgingaOdinga
An overview of the context around the Kenya People's Union, along with an analysis of the programme, can be found in Wunyabari O. Maloba's The Anatomy of Neo-Colonialism in Kenya: British Imperialism and Kenyatta, 1963–1978, chapter 3: “African Socialism and the Rise and Rise of Conservative Nationalism”.
#kenya #politicalplatforms #politicalparties #socialism #antiimperialism #Uhuru #Africansocialism #socialisminAfrica #anticommunism #KPU #KenyaPeoplesUnion #OgingaOdinga