Jackie S · @KaysGramma
232 followers · 248 posts · Server mstdn-social.social.shrimpcam.pw

One final thought and observation (from a non-attorney) —

If & believes they had every right to do what they did to my family & Aero & they stand by it, then why are they now saying that my telling that story is somehow defamatory?

#tracyelliott #Chicago #anticruelty

Last updated 2 years ago

Jackie S · @KaysGramma
232 followers · 248 posts · Server mstdn-social.social.shrimpcam.pw

So now Tracy Elliott & have sicced the REAL dogs (their lawyers) on me, sending me a Cease & Desist letter, threatening me w/charges of defamation
I’m not a lawyer, but is it really defamation if you’re just repeating truths, facts & employment history? Why is he so desperate to shut me up? Isn’t he proud of his work & experience? I mean, I never would have known had he never voluntarily told us himself. He didn’t tell us it was a secret!

#ceaseanddesist #legaladvice #legalminds #anticruelty

Last updated 2 years ago