Je chierai bien dans les bottes de la personne qui s'est dite que la balise script ne pouvait pas être auto-fermante… Ou comment perdre quelques heures…
#web #dev # html #antidesign #spec #shitty
#web #dev #antidesign #spec #shitty
How to bypass using a m$ account during setup.
TLDR: shift-F10 in the setup screen, type
You're good even if it said sth like command not found.
If you're already at the microsoft acc login screen, press back at top left corner and tada, you'll be shown the local account setup instead.
#microsoft #antidesign #microshit
⭕️ Embracing Anti-Design: How to Do It Well
by Grace Fussell @bluewhippet_ at @Shutterstock
#AntiDesign #design #trends
Brutalismus und Anti-Design können als Design-Stile auch auf Webseiten zum Einsatz kommen.
Was diese Stile ausmacht und ob man sie in Erwägung ziehen sollte, haben wir in einem kurzen Artikel zusammengefasst.
#brutalismus #antidesign #webdesign
#pyngumagazin #pyngurocks
#brutalismus #antidesign #webdesign #pyngumagazin #pyngurocks
#urban #carcentric #antidesign
Please, please please put seats next to your bus stops. There was like *so* much space.
And it looked like there was a bench there as there were some bolts still mounted to the concrete.
This was my legit first time of riding a bus in two decades. It was still as terrible as I remembered from my childhood: Hard to plan (40 minute interval), nowhere to sit, bus loud, shaky and trying to play a computer game on it makes me motion sick.
And I entered the bus all exhausted because my body is dumb and does not want to stand around for 8 minutes.
Can we please have trams everywhere and run them every 10 minutes or so?
#antidesign #carcentric #urban