4 years ago today organisers claimed that 2 million Hong Kongers dressed in black +1 marched in protest the extradition bill, of police violence from the 12th June +1 for Marco Leung Ling-kit who tragically fell to his death while protesting on scaffolding the evening before. I do remember 'police' being very sheepish that day and they mostly stayed out of the way.
A few of my photos from that day.
© Dave Coulson Photography
#antielab #hkprotests #Hongkong
4 years ago today Hong Kong authorities decided violence and tear gas was their response to legitimate protests around the Central Government Offices in Admiralty on Hong Kong Island.
A few of my photos from that very long surreal day.
© Dave Coulson Photography
#antielab #hkprotests #Hongkong
4 years ago today 1 million people in Hong Kong took to the streets in opposition of the proposed extradition bill.
A few of my photos from that very long day.
© Dave Coulson Photography
#antielab #hkprotests #Hongkong
R to @XinqiSu: The prosecution cited the opening paragraph describing HK's situation since the protests in 2019 in a resolution by the NPCSC on May 28, 2020 to enact an #NSL for Hong Kong. The paragraph said since the #antiELAB protests in 2019, "anti-China destabilising forces in Hong Kong"... https://nitter.hongkongers.net/XinqiSu/status/1613384264782958592#m
推特:Vitalist International
Rennes, France — protesters against the #LoiSecuriteGlobale utilize inflatable pool toys, as protesters in Bangkok did some weeks ago, as well as umbrellas, popularized in #AntiELAB Hong Kong protests and #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd US protest this year.
#LoiSecuriteGlobale #antielab #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd
RT @rachel_cheung1
This amazing comic strip by Kit Da Sketch on what it means for #antiELAB protesters to be water. Hard like ice, flow like water and disappear like vapour. This reminds me of devil fruits in One Piece *v*
RT @HKstreetart@twitter.com
"Ice Climber attacks Nmsland Chairman" in Sheung Wan from @wastingmytimehk@twitter.com.
#wastingmytimehk #mosaicart #iceclimber #winniethepooh #xijinping #nmsl #sheungwan #HongkongIsland #hongkongprotests #antielab #hkgraffiti #hkstreetart #carrielam #discoverhongkong #protestart #fiv…
#wastingmytimehk #mosaicart #iceclimber #winniethepooh #xijinping #nmsl #sheungwan #HongkongIsland #hongkongprotests #antielab #hkgraffiti #hkstreetart #carrielam #discoverhongkong #protestart #fiv
RT @HKstreetart@twitter.com
"3 bullets LOVE? NEVER FORGET" in Tai Po. Photographed by @deedee_da@twitter.com
#taipo #newterritories #nt #hkstreetart #hkgraffiti #fuckthepopo #fuckthepolice #graffitihk #graffitihongkong #hongkonggraffiti #standwithhongkong #freehongkong #antielab #freedomhk #hkpf #carrielam #di…
#taipo #newterritories #nt #hkstreetart #hkgraffiti #fuckthepopo #fuckthepolice #graffitihk #graffitihongkong #hongkonggraffiti #standwithhongkong #freehongkong #antielab #freedomhk #hkpf #carrielam #di
RT @HKstreetart@twitter.com
自由自在 (Freedom) in Kam Tin.
#kamtin #newterritories #hongkongprotests #antielab #hkgraffiti #hkstreetart #carrielam #discoverhongkong #protestart #fivedemands #carrielamstepdown #standwithhongkong #standwithhk #freedomhk #politicalart
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HKstreetart/status/1246300764055707649
#kamtin #newterritories #hongkongprotests #antielab #hkgraffiti #hkstreetart #carrielam #discoverhongkong #protestart #fivedemands #carrielamstepdown #standwithhongkong #standwithhk #freedomhk #politicalart
RT @HKstreetart@twitter.com
Protest invader mosaic popped up on Sai Street this week.
#sheungwan #HongkongIsland #hongkongprotests #antielab #hkgraffiti #hkstreetart #carrielam #discoverhongkong #protestart #fivedemands #carrielamstepdown #standwithhongkong #standwithhk #freedomhk #politicalart
#sheungwan #HongkongIsland #hongkongprotests #antielab #hkgraffiti #hkstreetart #carrielam #discoverhongkong #protestart #fivedemands #carrielamstepdown #standwithhongkong #standwithhk #freedomhk #politicalart
RT @HKstreetart@twitter.com
🖐️☝️(5 demands not 1 less) in Wan Chai.
#wanchai #hongkongisland #hongkongprotests #antielab #hkgraffiti #hkstreetart #carrielam #discoverhongkong #protestart #fivedemands #carrielamstepdown #standwithhongkong #standwithhk #freedomhk #politicalart
#wanchai #HongkongIsland #hongkongprotests #antielab #hkgraffiti #hkstreetart #carrielam #discoverhongkong #protestart #fivedemands #carrielamstepdown #standwithhongkong #standwithhk #freedomhk #politicalart
RT @HKstreetart@twitter.com
"They died for us. They still walk beside us." Spotted in Central, Hong Kong.
#central #HongkongIsland #hongkongprotests #antielab #hkgraffiti #hkstreetart #carrielam #discoverhongkong #protestart #fivedemands #carrielamstepdown #standwithhongkong #standwithhk #freedomhk #…
#central #HongkongIsland #hongkongprotests #antielab #hkgraffiti #hkstreetart #carrielam #discoverhongkong #protestart #fivedemands #carrielamstepdown #standwithhongkong #standwithhk #freedomhk
RT @HKstreetart@twitter.com
"FREE HK" stencil... Nice of them to notify us of the "wet paint." In Sheung Wan.
#sheungwan #HongkongIsland #hongkongprotests #antielab #hkgraffiti #hkstreetart #carrielam #discoverhongkong #protestart #fivedemands #carrielamstepdown #standwithhongkong #standwithhk #freed…
#sheungwan #HongkongIsland #hongkongprotests #antielab #hkgraffiti #hkstreetart #carrielam #discoverhongkong #protestart #fivedemands #carrielamstepdown #standwithhongkong #standwithhk #freed
RT @HongKongFP@twitter.com
Widely-shared footage from Sunday night appears to show Hong Kong police throwing a tear gas grenade at members of the press before boarding a vehicle. A PolyU student journalist was treated on the scene by first aiders. #hongkong #hongkongprotests #antiELAB #china
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HongKongFP/status/1186449087207313408
#china #antielab #hongkongprotests #hongkong
RT @HongKongFP@twitter.com
Kim Tang used a racing drone to capture the bamboo barricades constructed by #HongKong protesters in Yuen Long over the weekend. #hongkongprotests #antiELAB #china https://www.hongkongfp.com/hong-kong-extradition-law/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HongKongFP/status/1181192394412183552
#china #antielab #hongkongprotests #hongkong
One has to admire these people, who think their freedom is worth making an effort to keep.
Unlike us Americans, who are busy robbing one another of our freedoms.
RT @HongKongFP@twitter.com
Protesters in Mong Kok appear to have made a catapult with bamboo scaffolding in order to launch bricks. Vid: Facebook. #hongkong #hongkongprotests #antiELAB #china
#hongkong #hongkongprotests #antielab #china
RT @HongKongFP@twitter.com
Protesters in Mong Kok appear to have made a catapult with bamboo scaffolding in order to launch bricks. Vid: Facebook. #hongkong #hongkongprotests #antiELAB #china
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HongKongFP/status/1180842014239158272
#china #antielab #hongkongprotests #hongkong
Hong Kong Free Press on Twitter
RT @HongKongFP@twitter.com
Protesters in Mong Kok appear to have made a catapult with bamboo scaffolding in order to launch bricks. Vid: Facebook. #hongkong #hongkongprotests #antiELAB #china
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HongKongFP/status/1180842014239158272
#china #antielab #hongkongprotests #hongkong
Le caricaturiste dissident chinois #Badiucao a dévoilé le “Lennon Wall flag”, un concept de drapeau qu'il espère “devenir un nouveau symbole de la liberté et de la résistance de Hong Kong”.
#badiucao #hongkong #hkprotests #antielab #standwithhk
Depuis quelques jours, dans Hong Kong, la police fait la chasse aux jeunes vêtus tout de noir. Dans le métro, le bus, la rue, ils et elles sont contrôlés, interpellés, parfois battus. Ceci est la réponse du mouvement: nouveau “desscode”...
#HongKong #Chine #antiELAB #HongKongProtests #FollowBackHongKong #graphisme #typographie
Source : 反送中 文宣谷
#hongkong #chine #antielab #hongkongprotests #followbackhongkong #graphisme #typographie