I hate how, whenever someone criticizes a girl irl or a female character, some dumb “feminist” will always immediately label said critic as “misogynistic”, even if the critic didn’t mention the girl’s gender to begin with. Modern feminism is straw-gasping garbage. #antifeminism #genderequality
Are Men Killing The Planet?
#patriarchy #toxicmasculinity #hegemonicmasculinity #patriarchalmasculinity #petromasculinity #misogyny #racism #antifeminism #domination #control #oppression
#patriarchy #toxicmasculinity #hegemonicmasculinity #patriarchalmasculinity #petromasculinity #misogyny #racism #antifeminism #domination #control #oppression
Rapport om högerextrema vill inte kalla dem högerextrema
En rapport från Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut om högerextrema och våldsamma extremiströrelser vill inta kalla dem högerextrema. Istället kal
#Fascism #Hgerextremism #Rasism #Sverigedemokraterna #Antifeminism #Antisemitism #FOI #Homofobi #Islamofobi #Klimatfrnekare #Konspirationsteorier #SD #TotalfrsvaretsForskningsinstitut #Transfobi
#transfobi #totalfrsvaretsforskningsinstitut #sd #konspirationsteorier #klimatfrnekare #islamofobi #homofobi #foi #antisemitism #antifeminism #sverigedemokraterna #Rasism #hgerextremism #fascism
Things I absolutely will not tolerate in my feed:
#TERFs and #GCs (see above)
#Trumpism (see above)
#tankies or #brocialists
authoritarians masquerading as #libertarians (almost all of them, sadly)
#homophobia #transphobia or #transmisia
#misogyny #sexism or #antifeminism
Taylor Swift haters
Putin apologists
nuclear power bros
#neoliberalism or #neofeudalism
Musk suckers
#crypto and #NFT dupes and grifters
#fascism #terfs #gcs #trumpism #racism #tankies #brocialists #libertarians #homophobia #transphobia #transmisia #misogyny #sexism #antifeminism #antivax #mansplaining #cilantro #morrissey #tories #republicans #neoliberalism #neofeudalism #crypto #nft #cops
How much do you wanna bet radical "feminists" are aware of this, but completely ignore it anyway? -.- #antifeminism #jkrowlingsucks #twrape #twtransphobia
#antifeminism #jkrowlingsucks #twrape #twtransphobia
who else is into #antifeminism #patriarchy #misogynisticlife #womenarethings ? I'm looking for the right hashtags to find like-minded people. All on a perverted basis, of course. Comming from reddit and looking for new input and people.
#antifeminism #patriarchy #misogynisticlife #womenarethings
My Birthday Livestream In Tanzania https://www.alojapan.com/817943/my-birthday-livestream-in-tanzania/
#africa #alphamale #antifeminism #austonholleman #blackpeople #blackwomen #Dar #DarEsSaleem #dating #DatingAdvice #Datingtips #digitalnomad #Expat #feminism #greenpill #Kobe #Kobedestinations #kobetour #Kobetravel #Kobetrip #Kobevacation #manosphere #masculinity #modernwomen #tanzania #travel #神戸
#africa #alphamale #antifeminism #austonholleman #blackpeople #blackwomen #dar #daressaleem #dating #datingadvice #datingtips #digitalnomad #expat #feminism #greenpill #kobe #kobedestinations #kobetour #kobetravel #kobetrip #kobevacation #manosphere #masculinity #modernwomen #tanzania #travel #神戸
What A Regular Day Looks Like In Dar Es Salaam , Tanzania, Africa https://www.alojapan.com/795744/what-a-regular-day-looks-like-in-dar-es-salaam-tanzania-africa/
What A Regular Day Looks Like In Dar Es Salaam , Tanzania, Africa.
#africa #alphamale #antifeminism #austonholleman #blackpeople #blackwomen #DarEsSaleem #dating #DatingAdvice #Datingtips #digitalnomad #Expat #feminism #greenpill #Kobe #Kobedestinations #kobetour #Kobetravel #Kobetrip #Kobevacation #manosphere #masculinity #modernwomen #tanzania #travel #神戸
#africa #alphamale #antifeminism #austonholleman #blackpeople #blackwomen #daressaleem #dating #datingadvice #datingtips #digitalnomad #expat #feminism #greenpill #kobe #kobedestinations #kobetour #kobetravel #kobetrip #kobevacation #manosphere #masculinity #modernwomen #tanzania #travel #神戸
Now, for some Fedposting.
Could do with a few #NightClub #shootings around this period 🤔. We need to spice up the news a little. 🤷♂️.
Who cares about degenerate #whores anyways 😜
#blackpill #antifeminism
#nightclub #shootings #whores #blackpill #antifeminism
Von #TradWifes und #MomsofTikTok: #euronewschool Doktorandin Mareike Bauer spricht im neuen ZDFheute Beitrag über #AntiFeminism in sozialen Medien wie #TikTok:
#tradwifes #momsoftiktok #euronewschool #antifeminism #tiktok
My Tour Guide Gave Me Honey For Upset Stomach https://www.alojapan.com/720761/my-tour-guide-gave-me-honey-for-upset-stomach/
#alphamale #antifeminism #asia #austonholleman #chiangmai #dating #DatingAdvice #Datingtips #digitalnomad #Expat #feminism #greenpill #manosphere #masculinity #modernwomen #Osaka #Osakadestinations #Osakatour #OsakaTravel #Osakatrip #Osakavacation #redpill #Thailand #travel #大阪
#alphamale #antifeminism #asia #austonholleman #chiangmai #dating #datingadvice #datingtips #digitalnomad #expat #feminism #greenpill #manosphere #masculinity #modernwomen #osaka #osakadestinations #osakatour #osakatravel #osakatrip #osakavacation #redpill #thailand #travel #大阪
2 - re #feminism. noted recently that the italo #futurism manifesto, mentioned feminism as a force that comes and moves against #war.
Yes, this manifesto, a pre-hitler manifestation of the view that War/ViolentConflict comes as the Natural way to live. The only way to be free, in fact..
From that #occidentalist view, perhaps we get a connection that at least some #antisemitism comes as #antifeminism as well.
#feminism #futurism #war #occidentalist #antisemitism #antifeminism
Someone needs to tell #tradwives that #capitalism has stolen their bacon. Getting by on one income has been nearly impossible since the 1980s. That's when US wages became decoupled from productivity. Since then worker productivity has increased threefold, while real wages have remained flat. For most people, raising a family now requires two earners. Which ends with the "tradwife" both working, *and* taking care of the kids and the home and doing all the emotional labor for the family.
But the absurdity of modern #antifeminism in a nation that rejected the #era and is clamping down on #abortionrights goes far beyond chores and economics.
It's a slap in the face to all the women who've fought for #equality for the past 50 years, before which, women couldn't even get a credit card. Call these "tradwives" what they really are: #stockholm #stepford wives. These were the #antisuffragettes, and the exact same type of women in the older generation were led by Phyllis Schlafly. She convinced just enough of them that their "status" as housewives was so threatened that they should throw all other women under the bus, to keep women legally unequal to men--a full 100 years after winning suffrage.
Tradwives, unsurprisingly shun "The Feminine Mystique" in favor of "Fascinating Womanhood." Or even worse #christian dominionist tripe about #submitting and #obeying one's husband.
This is bad for men, too. Because the power imbalance of one-sided submission leads to long-term resentment and loss of libido. You can either have a maid, or a partner. After a while, a maid will no longer find their "employer" attractive. And then that sorry-ass dude is either in a sexless marriage or ends up cheating, divorcing, and having to learn to cook and clean and wash clothes on his own again after being accustomed to being "served" like a petty dictator.
But this gets even worse. The tradwife subculture is also a big gateway into far-right #whitesupremacist views. Because of course it is. The further back you look in American history, the whiter the privilege gets.
Why do people keep insisting on recycling the very worst ideas from the past that have already been tried, and failed?
#nostalgia is the wound that will never heal.
#tradwives #capitalism #antifeminism #era #AbortionRights #equality #stockholm #stepford #antisuffragettes #christian #submitting #obeying #whitesupremacist #nostalgia
“…an overseer must be…[a] husband…”
(1 Timothy 3:2 ESV)
PATRIARCHY forever, matriarchy never
Cry harder, feminists.
#scripture #bible #antifeminism #patriarchy