Frei mach dem „Pseudodokus“ des #ykollektiv bin ich ein rechtsideologischer #antifeminist 🤷♂️
#ykollektiv #antifeminist #feminismus
The role of evidence-based misogyny in antifeminist online communities of the ‘manosphere’ - Ann-Kathrin Rothermel, 2023
#Misogyny #male supremacy #farright #discourse #incels #radicalization #antifeminist #men'srights #manosphere
#misogyny #male #farright #discourse #incels #radicalization #antifeminist #men #manosphere
@Nora @BioSchweiz 1/2: Wahrscheinlich werde ich gleich wieder als #antifeminist verschrien.
Aber ich seh das Problem noch nicht ganz. Unsere Mütter haben dafür gekämpft das Frauen die gleichen Möglichkeiten und Rechte haben - das bedeutet aber auch nicht das man dieses Recht zwingend beanspruchen muss.
Ich hab das Recht mich selbstständig zu machen, mache es aber nicht. Rechte sind ja keine Pflichten sondern Möglichkeiten.
Oh I got stuff up my sleeve!
More promo for some, less attention for others. More focus on some topics, no more focus on others. Feel the changes coming.
Free the mind.
Leveling up!
#activism #writerscommunity #PoliticsToday #MenToo #AntiFeminist #Promoters #Friends2Support #love
#activism #writerscommunity #politicstoday #mentoo #antifeminist #promoters #friends2support #love
that you want to know my #gender, or my "real" name. This is a newer member of our group, so I didn't assume they understood I'm a woman.
If you think I'm going to give out my real name to an anonymous someone who hasn't offered theirs in a Discord chat, then I guess you aren't much of a thinker.
I wish I could say I was confused by the response I got, but #antifeminist, #antiprogressive, and #antitrans sentiment is rife in the community of young (and not-so-young) male gamers. (cf gamergate).
#gender #antifeminist #antiprogressive #antitrans
that you want to know my #gender, or my "real" name. This is a newer member of our group, so I didn't assume they understood I'm a woman.
If you think I'm going to give out my real name to an anonymous someone who hasn't offered theirs in a Discord chat, then I guess you aren't much of a thinker.
I wish I could say I was confused by the response I got, but #antifeminist, #antiprogressive, and #antitrans sentiment is rife in the community of young (and not-so-young) male gamers. (cf gamergate).
#gender #antifeminist #antiprogressive #antitrans
@ccferrie Maybe Cllr Cooney could ask to show this video in #DublinCityCouncil's next transport meeting, and ask for a change of policy. Not gritting footpaths is #antifeminist
#dublincitycouncil #antifeminist
Infowars update: YouTube & likely other comment streams for Indiana Jones 5. Consistent #antisemitic #antiwoke #antifeminist and harassment of genuine fans in replies in the guise of witty comebacks. Reuse of same lines: “Oh you sweet summer child” “woke Disney” and others. Antisemitic usernanes like “OwlsInDaBarn”. The most prolific hate commenters should have accounts removed and investigated by @fbi: @ DRIVER-MX2 and @ Hello-Goodbye @rbreich
#antisemitic #Antiwoke #antifeminist
Frau Dr. Baum von der #noAfD behauptet, der ÖRR würde Sterilisationen anpreisen, weil dieser drüber berichtet. Zudem hält sie nichts vom #Selbstbestimmungsrecht von Frauen. Sie möchte den #AntiFeminist #Backlash und Frauen wieder in die Haushalte zwingen. #Rechte #Ideologie halt.
#noafd #selbstbestimmungsrecht #antifeminist #backlash #rechte #ideologie
RT @prochoicepassau
#CoronaRebell Sinenkov publiziert ein Video mit #ChrisAres und ist #Antifeminist. Er nutzt Codes der Alt-Right: zu viele Männer seien unmännliche "Soyboys" und hätten die "rote Pille" nicht geschluckt. Frauen reduziert er auf die passive Rolle als Fürsorgerin und Sexualobjekt
#CoronaRebell #chrisares #antifeminist