@kuketzblog Bin ich für... #antigoogle es ist einfach grausam... Wirklich schlimm habe mal alle wirklick alle google domains in Meinem Netzwerk blockiert viel ging nichtmehr ( Nutze keine google dienste auch kein google android ) trozdem gingen viele dienste im Internet nicht mehr.
oh Simple Mobile Tools has a recorder——
oh hey they made a whole phone? and a MicroG ROM? that's very cool, I've been using the Simple tools for a while now. hope they are successful, I'm not buying more phones atm but maybe I'll try their system instead of MicroG-Lineage next reinstall, saves me the work of installing all the Simple stuff
Acabo de encontrar una fantástica alternativa a Google Fonts que quería compartir con vosotros y animaros a colaborar con ella subiendo más fuentes: https://fontlibrary.org
¿Conocéis alguna alternativa similar a Google Fonts? Así recopilo unas cuantas :)
#fonts #degoogle #nogafam #opensource #antigoogle
iodé now lets you uninstall & reinstall preinstalled apps!
#cybersecurity #privacy #android #antigoogle #antigafam #alternative #adblocker #dataprotection #tech #ethics #ecofriendly
#ecofriendly #ethics #tech #dataprotection #adblocker #alternative #antigafam #antigoogle #Android #privacy #cybersecurity
AI 识别 + 用户标注,Google Photos 现在恐怕已经知道了每一个用户和他们朋友的样貌。哪怕是一个人从来没有用过 Google,但若他的朋友把他的个人信息及通讯地址录入到 Contacts 里,把他的照片在 Photos 里标注,这个人的基本信息就完全由 Google 掌握了。如果现在给 Google 一张我的照片,它肯定能说出我的一切信息,没准比我自己还了解我自己。搜集的足够的信息然后取消“无限的免费存储空间”,情理之中。#InternetPrivacy #AntiGoogle
Switch from regular YouTube to FreeTube.
A free & libre YT client that's faster than YouTube on Chrome will ever be.
FreeTube has neat features:
* No ads.
* A YouTube experience without Google tracking you using cookies and JavaScript.
* A UI which is a lot faster than the website.
* Being able to subscribe to people without having an account.
Ps. Newpipe (from F-Droid) for mobile.
---> https://github.com/FreeTubeApp/FreeTube
---> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/freetube/
#Freetube #Linux #antiGoogle #Newpipe #AUR
#freetube #linux #antigoogle #newpipe #aur