Every accusation is a confession:

"Anti-‘Groomer’ Republican Accused of ‘Inappropriate Relationship’ With Intern

(Texas Rep. Bryan Slaton called all-ages drag shows “grooming events” that “sexualize” children. An official complaint alleges he had an “inappropriate relationship” with a young intern.)

A Texas Republican who has led the charge to ban all-ages drag shows because of his deep concern over “the sexualization of our children” is facing allegations of inviting an intern to his home late on a weekend night and serving her alcohol even though she isn’t old enough to legally drink.

Texas state Rep. Bryan Slaton has reportedly had a complaint filed against him with the Texas state legislature that claims he had an “inappropriate relationship” with an intern."

🔗: vice.com/en/article/qjv8dq/tex

#texas #bryanslaton #antigroomer #republicans #gop #hypocrisy

Last updated 2 years ago