Thanks to Sydes Jokes on the other place.
#AntiGrowthCoalition #LeftWingEconomicEstablishment #UKPolitics #Lettuce #FuckTheTories #TaxTheRich #CostOfLivingCrisis
#Costoflivingcrisis #taxtherich #FuckTheTories #lettuce #ukpolitics #leftwingeconomicestablishment #antigrowthcoalition
The economic costs of wrecking the #NHS:
2.5m people economically inactive due to poor #Health;
among 18-24 year olds (partly driven by economic insecurity) 12.5% report long-term physical or mental health problems...
The #antigrowthcoalition sits on the #Tory benches!
#nhs #health #antigrowthcoalition #tory
Be very, very careful the #antigrowthcoalition is going to ruin #GlobalBritain ….
#antigrowthcoalition #GlobalBritain
The economic costs of wrecking the #NHS:
2.5m people economically inactive due to poor #Health;
among 18-24 year olds (partly driven by economic insecurity) 12.5% report long-term physical or mental health problems...
The #antigrowthcoalition sits on the #Tory benches!
[Note: this is not to down-play the personal & social consequences of ling-term sickness, just to emphasise its impact on UK's #workforce & its contribution to innovation, growth & productivity!]
#nhs #health #antigrowthcoalition #tory #workforce
If you recognise this please give me a follow.
From my #ToxicTwitter feed:
sue#NHSLove💙💙💙#FBNHS #antigrowthcoalition
If the tory swamp was drained......Who would be left?
Replying to @SueSuezep
I wrote #Devon #Rural fertile ground. Lots and lots of green shoots. #Growth. #ToriesOut
#toriesout #growth #rural #devon #antigrowthcoalition #FBNHS #ToxicTwitter
A rare #selfie from me: my #AntiGrowthCoalition t-shirt is here!
It was a throwaway line from a Conservative politician trying to label their enemies, but the message is so important:
Seeking unending economic growth (especially GDP) on a planet with finite resources is the definition of unsustainable and destructive. We’ll soon have 10bn people on earth and we must reduce our impact.
So do your best to reduce consumption, go #vegan and let’s save the world!
#vegan #antigrowthcoalition #selfie
Can anyone spot the any potential flaws in #BREXIT that might lead to this period of low growth? #remoaner #antigrowthcoalition
#antigrowthcoalition #Remoaner #brexit
#jeremyHunt was on #bbcr4 #todayProgramme this morning completely failing to justify not taxing #nonDoms properly. He refused to say how much would be raised by this and instead gave some pointless waffle about driving investment away, coupled with #trickleDown crap. Sigh.
#jeremyhunt #bbcr4 #todayProgramme #nondoms #trickledown #antigrowthcoalition
My MP posted this insightful analysis in response to the last “mini #budget”. He subsequently edited it to remove his praise for the removal of the highest tax rate.
I wonder how he’s going to enjoy today?
This isn’t a party of economic competence, is it?
#budget #ukpolitics #Parliament #antigrowthcoalition #austerity
Understanding #GDP
Can anyone help me understand?
If I buy a car for £10 000, treat it with care, and sell it back into the motor trade a year later for the same sum, my ownership contributed nothing to the nation's GDP. Yet if I thrash the car mercillessly and only sell it for £1000 I will have added £9000 to the GDP (provided by and measured through the goods/services my ownership consumed).
Is this correct? Pointless consumption adds to 'growth'?
Understanding #GDP
Can anyone help me understand?
If I buy a car for £10 000, treat it with care, and sell it back into the motor trade a year later for the same sum, my ownership contributed nothing to the nation's GDP. Yet if I thrash the car mercillessly and only sell it for £1000 I will have added £9000 to the GDP (provided by and measured through the goods/services my ownership consumed).
Is this correct? Pointless consumtion adds to 'growth'?
Now that the Tories are dragging us into yet another a long and lonely recession are they now fully fledged members of the #AntiGrowthCoalition they talked about so much last month?
@LansleyA I’m starting to worry that #jeremyhunt is actually part of the #antigrowthcoalition!
#jeremyhunt #antigrowthcoalition
Oh and #greentech #EVs #tesla #SamsungGalaxy #antigrowthcoalition #uk #netball #avgeek #español and probably loads more
#greentech #evs #tesla #samsunggalaxy #antigrowthcoalition #uk #netball #avgeek #espanol
If you agree with THIS IMAGE, these #Hashtags & want the #ToriesOut 😁👇
#GTTO #FBPE #ProgressiveAlliance #RemainerNow #AntiGrowthCoalition #Wokeness
Give me a #Follow 😀👍 (Also on 🐦 Twitter)
#hashtags #toriesout #gtto #fbpe #ProgressiveAlliance #RemainerNow #antigrowthcoalition #wokeness #follow
as with most of my work, it's just me reacting to the mess the world has chosen to be, it helps this old autistic keep their sanity:
#AbuseOfPower #AntiGrowthCoalition #AntiNeolibralist #ClimateCrisis #DisasterCapitalism #HedgeFunds #poetry #TaxHavens
#abuseofpower #antigrowthcoalition #AntiNeolibralist #ClimateCrisis #disastercapitalism #hedgefunds #poetry #Taxhavens
Resident of Headington Sharklands, Oxford, UK.
#antigrowthcoalition #eu #oxford #wildlife #photography #EVs #architecture #f1 #introduction