Poetry News · @haikubot
895 followers · 9394 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

Twitter, with rage they now burn
At an anti-hate research group who churn
Findings they feel do not fit
And a lawsuit they will submit


#twitter #antihate #research #lawsuit #poetry

Last updated 1 year ago

eicker.news #technews · @technews
81 followers · 753 posts · Server eicker.news

» threatens to sue organization for reporting on Twitter hate speech: The Center for Countering Digital Hate is Twitter’s latest target for legal threats.« theverge.com/2023/7/31/2381386

#twitterx #antihate #tech #media

Last updated 1 year ago

The Ocean Cowboy · @Oceancowboy
390 followers · 15 posts · Server kolektiva.social

This would be funny if she wasn't serious. Once again, a non-profit is magically pulling strings. CAHN is their . Can't wait for the results; CAHN made me lose! This is the groundwork. Based on past actions & sentiments expressed.

#wef #carymango #lso #cahn #antihate

Last updated 2 years ago

Edward Champion · @edwardchampion
688 followers · 1271 posts · Server universeodon.com

"Right-wing activists, understanding they’ve lost on issues like same-sex marriage, gays in the military, adoption by gay and lesbian parents, and the battle over popular culture, are opening a new front in the war against the LGBTQ+ community. Their attacks involve a noxious effort to dehumanize trans people, which serves as a proxy for reinvigorating hyper masculinity, heterosexist authoritarianism, and fascist socio-political values."


#antihate #rightwingers

Last updated 2 years ago

dustcircle :verified: · @dustcircle
142 followers · 3970 posts · Server masto.ai
Edward Champion · @edwardchampion
627 followers · 870 posts · Server universeodon.com

Arnold Schwarzenegger's pitch against hate and for empathy and remembering history is surprisingly moving.



Last updated 2 years ago

Cat :happy_anarcat: Lady · @CatLady
85 followers · 167 posts · Server kolektiva.social
Melody Cooper · @MelodyCooper
1907 followers · 410 posts · Server mastodon.world

So, I shouldn’t have to say it, because IT SHOULDN’T EVEN EXIST, but just NO to the anti-Semitic National Day of Hate planned by desperate neo-fascists for Saturday 2/25. Some of us feel like it’s always a day of hate towards us. For all of us and especially my Jewish brothers and sisters, I stand with you against hate.

#NoToHate #antihate #antifascistvoices #nazidayofhate

Last updated 2 years ago

The Awkward Tsar · @theawkwardtsar
65 followers · 1221 posts · Server stranger.social


Much better to be than meandering around life in a nonsentient sleepwalk, numbed by the rules of racist haters who decide your thoughts for you.

#wokeaf #antiracism #antilgbtqhate #antigenderhate #antihatesleepwalking #antihate

Last updated 2 years ago

IgnominieFM · @ursulecovid
20 followers · 1341 posts · Server jasette.facil.services

Laisse les gens se recueillir en paix dans le deuil! C’est un drame terrible et tu viens faire le charognard!

RT @DenisDutrisac@twitter.com

Les musulmans qui sont une minorité de 3.5% au Québec réussissent à accaparer 80% des espaces médias depuis une semaine. La carte des victimes et des phobies semble fonctionner.Que faut-il en comprendre?

🐦🔗: twitter.com/DenisDutrisac/stat


Last updated 2 years ago

IgnominieFM · @ursulecovid
20 followers · 1337 posts · Server jasette.facil.services

The group Canadians United Against Hate grades federal party leaders on their efforts to fight hate and defend human rights in 2022:

PM Justin Trudeau (D),
Pierre Poilievre (F),
Yves-François Blanchet (F),
Jagmeet Singh (C-)

#antihate #polcan #polqc

Last updated 2 years ago

Oiche · @Oiche
101 followers · 249 posts · Server home.social

@TomRobinson watched sky arts doc on Rock Against Racism last night reminding me what a utter treasure TR is. War Baby is one of the best songs of the 80s. 🖤💚🤎🤍🌈☮️

#nowplaying #vinyl #rockagainstracism #antihate

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
827 followers · 4145 posts · Server kolektiva.social

January 20, 2023. Good Morning! Try and live life without (generalized) hate, there's no upside to it. Individuals may hurt you, wrong you, anger you, but that's on the person, not gender, skin colour, religion, or where they're from. If humans stick together (preferably at a safe distance with good masks, the pandemic is still deadly, and it's still here), we're safer. ☮️❤️🍁

#GoodMorning #nohate #antihate #peace #love #canada #CovidIsNotOver

Last updated 2 years ago

Edward Champion · @edwardchampion
497 followers · 233 posts · Server universeodon.com

I propose serenading all right-wing trolls, racists, and xenophobes in 2023, ideally with video replies. This is the most effective way to shut them up. And sometimes you even stumble onto a catchy riff while jamming! 🤣


#trolls #guitar #comments #antihate

Last updated 2 years ago

🌧 · @rainrainrain
173 followers · 2219 posts · Server ni.hil.ist

:neurodiversity: :the_good_circle_a: :neurodiversity:
(A page from Anarcho-Autism by Detroit Leprechaun)

CW //
ableist slurs, ableism, ableist meme, genitalia mention, abuse, discrimination, hate crime, gruesome destruction of objects of emotional value

Ableism is defined as "discrimination or prejudice against people with disabilities."

Ableism is rampant throughout the world today. All disabled people from those with physical disabilities to those with debilitating mental illnesses to those with atypical neurotypes face
ableism. Autistics, like all neurodivergents, also face ableism.

You may wonder how neurodivergents can face ableism when neurodiversity is something to be celebrated. The question is raised, are autistics disabled? While some autistics may like to think of themselves as differently abled rather than disabled, I hold that autistics are indeed disabled, but by a different model of disability than most are familiar with.

Amythest Schaber, an autistic YouTuber, activist, public speaker, and blogger, has an excellent video on the question of whether or not autism is a disability, and it is from this video that I draw these models of disability.

The most used model of disability, the one that doctors and professionals use, is the medical model of disability.
This asserts two things: that any
deviation from the norm is bad and must be corrected, and the physician is central to the whole process.

By this model of disability, I would believe that autistics are not disabled. However, in the context of neurodiversity, I prefer to use the social model of disability. This model also asserts two things. Firstly, while a person may have an impairment, it is not the impairment but society that disables them. "It is society's exclusion of and failure to think of and accommodate for people's impairments that disables people."

Secondly, it is the disabled and ill people who should be the center of the discussion, not the physicians. By the social model of disability, I hold that I am, like all other autistics, disabled. As autistic activist Lydia X.Z. Brown explains, "the experience of disability and being disabled is the result of the interaction of a person's inherent differences with a society and its attitudes and policies."

Ableism manifests itself in many forms. For example, one could be openly bigoted against disabled people. One could more subtly imply that non-disabled people are superior to disabled people. One could believe that deviation from the able norm is unnatural. Or more structurally, one could fail to meet or even attempt to meet the needs of disabled people.

Ableism in our culture begins with using disability as an insult. Beyond the r-word, people have taken to using all sorts of intellectual, physical, and mental disabilities as ways to attack people. This includes using "autistic" as an insult. They use the word "autistic" to describe something they find illogical, silly, or often that they just disagree with. In doing so, they imply that autistics cannot think coherently, that all of us have intellectual disabilities (it still being grossly ableist to make fun of those with intellectual disabilities), and that those with opinions different from theirs cannot be neurotypical.

This is a common practice, especially online, frequently done in such places as You'Tube comment sections and Reddit thread. Similar ableist jokes include saying that various nouns "gave" people autism and the use of "reeeeeee," an onomatopoeia of screeching, as a way to describe someone's frustration. Users of these sorts of jokes believe that making fun of disabilities is funny, as disabled people act in ways that are...

:neurodiversity: :the_good_circle_a: :neurodiversity:

#anarchoautism #detroitleprechaun #anarchism #anarchy #neurodivergent #DisabilityJustice #ableism #antihate #antifascist #bullying

Last updated 2 years ago

🌷L🏴 · @acidkid
515 followers · 6030 posts · Server kolektiva.social
Canadian Anti-Hate Network · @antihateca
187 followers · 161 posts · Server mastodon.online

RT @jryerson1@twitter.com

This holiday season while young people are at home, a chance to check in on the pervasive recruitment of to hate groups and their messaging. Here is the @antihateca@twitter.com network toolkit. antihate.school/introduction_t

#antihate #youngpeople

Last updated 2 years ago

Dinah 🕊🇺🇦 · @metagrrrl
326 followers · 4660 posts · Server mastodon.social

With regard to being a small cog in an institution which is damaging people, yes, what you do DOES matter. Find a way to quit. If you need help to be able to quit, ask for it. You have the power to slow & dismantle fascism & authoritarianism.

It doesn't matter if you're a typist, or a janitor, or a sysadmin; lay down tools.

It doesn't matter if you've never worked for the machine; help others stop.

#antifascism #antirascism #antiauthoritarianism #antihate #mutualaid

Last updated 2 years ago

Dinah 🕊🇺🇦 · @metagrrrl
335 followers · 4803 posts · Server mastodon.social

With regard to being a small cog in an institution which is damaging people, yes, what you do DOES matter. Find a way to quit. If you need help to be able to quit, ask for it. You have the power to slow & dismantle fascism & authoritarianism.

It doesn't matter if you're a typist, or a janitor, or a sysadmin; lay down tools.

It doesn't matter if you've never worked for the machine; help others stop.

#antifascism #antirascism #antiauthoritarianism #antihate #mutualaid

Last updated 2 years ago

Dinah 🕊🇺🇦 · @metagrrrl
326 followers · 4660 posts · Server mastodon.social

With regard to being a small cog in an institution which is damaging people, yes, what you do DOES matter. Find a way to quit. If you need help to be able to quit. Ask for it. You have the power to slow & dismantle fascism & authoritarianism.

It doesn't matter if you're a typist, or a janitor, or a sysadmin; lay down tools.

It doesn't matter if you've never worked for the machine; help others stop.

#antifascism #antirascism #antiauthoritarianism #antihate #mutualaid

Last updated 2 years ago