"Hell is coming,
And it’s coming quick.
Good thing, too; this species
Makes me fucking sick.
Nothing purifies like flames,
Cleansing all within its wake;
There is nothing that a fire can’t tame.
The blood of humanity needs to be purged,
In the burning rays of the darkest star
The dross must forever be submerged.
All of us are ready for extinction.
None of us are worthy of distinction.
Do we deserve to
Be happy and free?
We wouldn’t even know how,
So just ignore our pleas.
Take away the reigns
And we’re still rotten to the core.
Just get rid of us,
It’ll alleviate the sores.
Front row seat
To a spectacle,
The spot in the house
To watch the execution
Of the reprehensible.
Come one, come all,
Watch it all crash and burn,
Because only then
Will we truly learn,
And only then will we get
What we truly deserve to earn.
The wages of our sins
Haunt our minds and hearts.
Brings us to fever pitches
And causes our chests to
Rumble with a start.
This what we wanted right?
So this is what we’ll get.
Go toe-to-toe with the Mother herself,
Thinking that she won’t try and put up a fight.
We may think we’re winning for now,
But our expiration date’s already been set.
The days are numbered for our race,
Beaten and broken, insane and demented,
Nothing short of a title disgrace.
Our souls are in tatters,
Thoroughly convinced that
Nothing matters.
Spirits torn apart,
Our hearts are shattered,
We commit suicide by making
Sure that our mother is bruised and battered.
Hell is here,
The gates are open.
Open up the valves, motherfucker;
Kill all the fiends that are always doping.
Plunge in the knife
For those want to
Deny all life.
They’re the reason we’re here,
Stuck in this cycle of strife,
And there’s too goddamned many,
With these scum this planet
Is fucking rife.
It’s time to go ahead
And abandon all hope.
Ready up the nooses,
Get together all the rope.
Can’t rely on a state
To deliver the hate.
Every concocted phantom
Thinks mankind’s so great.
All of these new and old orders
Want to save mankind from his fucking fate.
Well, I won’t have it,
Not a fucking chance.
Wash away all the saviors,
Bleed dry the legions that we call Man.
Filth of the absolute
Highest order.
They leave us
Fill us with horror.
If God’s like us,
Then, he too, deserves to be hanged,
And if God made Man,
Then that’s proof that God is fucking insane."
#anticiv #antihumanism #misanthropy #pessimism #nihilism
"itself. As well as steering clear of substitutes, which I tend to think are not great anyway. It’s not the best rationalization, yeah, but any sort of harm reduction, I think, is worth it. Point being, the delusions of grandeur humanity has instilled into itself do wage war against the water, which is harmed by being filled with toxic bullshit, the minerals and dirt and sand and rocks, gouged out by digging machines, greedy hands, probing eyes, and an assortment of structures planted firmly into the ground (the Freudian in me wants to equivocate this forceful insertion of hard monuments to death with rape and sexual violation), and we turn the air into a mode of strangulation, rather than a source of life. None of this, I support in any capacity. And the meat/dairy industries are fucking guilty.
Now, anyone who knows me, knows that I am no egalitarian. That I find the idea of “equality” to be based in little else but utopian pipe dreams and a poor understanding of existence, and Nature. If things were all equal, all the same, in whatever arbitrary manner we use to define “equality” (because equality is always very open to interpretation), then things would have no individuality. Thus, they would not be free, for their egos, their unique selves, would be leveled flat. And if they were to ignore, to resist, this leveling, they would have to make themselves…unequal, I guess would be the right term. Different. Separate from the herd, from the crowd, from the many. Not to mention, egalitarianism requires enforcement to be achieved. Proudhon wasn’t right on very much (Stirner was very good at picking apart the old man’s horse shit, even if we ALL owe something to that same old man, even I do), but he was right in that any equality-obsessed society, is a society predicated upon and obsessed with surveillance. It is a fantasy, a phantom. It doesn’t exist. Ill-defined, as well, as previously said. When all is left to be as it will, organically and without interference, without disturbance, sameness shall not occur. Uniformity, rigidity, a dull, stale sort of crystallization of existence that resembles more an assembly line than life, shall not happen. Only when an outside presence comes into play, shall egalitarianism come to fruition.
This disbelief in egalitarianism, however, has nothing to do with ideas of “supremacy”. Supremacy relies on objective value judgments such as “better” or “worse”, both of which are entirely relative and have no basis in reality beyond the inane thoughts of individuals who might be so inclined to believe in idiotic ideas like “better” or “less” than. Supremacy is also usually used to justify all kinds of actions that I have nothing but contempt for, such as imperialism, ethnic cleansing, economic exploitation (and economics in general, especially the class/caste system), slavery, ecocide, rape/misogyny, gay bashing, and a whole host of other deplorable practices. To me, there is simply difference. And difference should be allowed to thrive and exist. Without difference, there is no freedom. A friend of mine, who is also a staunch vegan, told me that Nature eludes the idea of symmetry, of sameness. To be asymmetrical, is to be in line with Nature. Doctrines of leveling conformity are completely against Nature.
As for Flower Bomb believing vegans to be some sort of “step up” from the non-vegans, as an “evolution”, as Langer seems to characterize it, from the ones who aren’t vegan and thus are “lumped in with the rest”, I’ve never really found that to be the case with anything they’ve ever said. If anything, FB’s always been critical of elitist tendencies and forcing vegan edge on people. Rightly so. We’re not hardliners (although I must profess that I like some hardline bands). Our words shouldn’t sound like Walter Bond and Sean Muttaqi. On the flipside, just because someone is passionate about veganism, doesn’t make them an “elitist” or what have you. Humanism and the Darwinian notion that Homo Sapiens is the hot shit that deserves to be king of everything that exists because of some half-baked theories built upon progress and a Christian-like end goal to history…is, if anything, the real elitism. Not to mention, if one looks at all of the ecocide the meat/dairy industries cause, and how seriously destructive and torturous they are, then I’d say being vegan is the way to go if one is, in fact, anti authoritarian and anti exploitation. Contrary to what Langer may be thinking, me, FB, and Ria are not vegan FSU here to beat up all the meat eaters (although I have zero problem hunt sab or meat sab of any kind, and if you’re a butcher or hunter, you deserve a good ass kicking, because let’s face it…they aren’t doing that out of need; I can almost guarantee it, since most hunting these days is trophy hunting done purely for money and bravado). Though I’m going to be frank…they do get on my last damn nerve. I should know; I live amongst them, and have to deal with them day-in, and day-out. We aren’t vegan Slapshot, ready to go up to random grocery shoppers and slap steaks outta their hands…not yet, anyway. I definitely wouldn’t mind spoiling the carcasses they’re going to munch on later, just so they couldn’t have ‘em on their plates. Carnists are usually macho dicks overtaken by the need to prove how tough and “manly” are, I’m sure even Langer would agree, and they need to be called on their bullshit. They need to be reminded of all the consequences of their lifestyle choices, even the ones they hadn’t considered, and be shown how truly deep meat-eating goes. What they support has a whole slew of reasons to condemn it in the strongest terms. Hunters and butchers and cow-milkers and animal breeders and all those other fucking people? As far as I’m concerned, they can go die. What they do on a daily basis is inexcusable, and if they did what they do to animals, to people? There’d be uproar on a massive scale. But because animals are the victims, we’re told to not give a damn. And yet, we vegan individualists are the supposed “elitists”. Gimme a fuckin’ break…
Let me be the first to say: I am an individualist. A passionate, deeply individualistic sort of person, alright? Collectivism? Fuck all of that. Damn all manner of collectivism that seeks to make individuals ignore their own true will…and that likely condemns most forms of collectivism, doesn’t it? If not all of them outright. Hell, sometimes I am so passionately individualist and anti-collectivist, it causes friction. Usually between me and the reds, and those sympathetic to the reds. To the point where quite a few of them likely want to challenge me to fisticuffs over it. I know one in California damn sure does. Many will rant and rave about how individualism is pure selfishness. Maybe, maybe not. It can be, no doubt. However, one could easily make the case that collectivism is wholly selfish, rabid in its hatred for any and all heterogeneity, determined to crush whatever does not conform, and absorb it instead, molding it exactly however the collectivism that is taking place demands it manifest its existence.
Being an individualist, however, doesn’t mean that I have to agree with someone’s thoughts on a matter. In fact, I may very well have an intense dislike of their opinions regarding a certain subject. I’d say that’s the hallmark of being an individualist. When two unique beings come into contact who feel one way or another about this or that, there is bound to be conflict. There is bound to be “friction”. Yet, the uniques go their own way, do they not? Be it on amicable or amorous terms, they will continue to travel down whatever path it is they have chosen. Hardly anyone is being “condemned” here, I don’t think. Seems more like a disagreement of opinion. And if the disagreement turns a little squirrelly, well, hey, we’re all passionate, hard-headed people. It doesn’t mean we can’t “live and let live”, despite difference of opinion. Maybe the difference of opinion causes a permanent rift. So what? That’s “policing” or “condemnation”? If you want to live how you wish, be my guest.
On the other hand…if you’re going to talk about being against speciesism, and against the engine of civilization that wages an all out war on life as we know it, yet knowingly participate in something that tramples on all other species with sadistic glee and malicious intent, then I’m sorry, but you’re going to sound like a jackass in my eyes. It’d be one thing if you’re not all aware of how deep the rabbit hole goes, and you’re just chowing down on meat because that is all you know, or were at least vegetarian, or, hell, you were of the mindset of “well, I’m getting there, but it hasn’t happened yet”, being at least sympathetic and open to veganism, then hey, I could live with that. Because at least you’re trying, and at least you recognize there is an issue to be addressed. However, to be so hostile towards veganism, and the idea of being vegan? As a self-proclaimed “anti-speciest”? That makes zero sense in my eyes at all. Meat and dairy are genocidal apparatuses of civilization, and anyone who thinks they deserve to still be standing in any capacity, supports civilization to at least some degree.
Now, I’m under no illusion that all unique individuals are worthy of care, which is a stance Langer takes (note that I do not include Langer in this category; merely making a point). I’d argue the opposite, actually. There are many, many, many individuals I think we could do without. Nazis, rapist, pedophiles, wifebeaters, fagbashers, child abusers, cops, politicians, animal abusers, hunters, butchers, rich folks, a whole cavalcade of deplorable types who I would not be sad to see go whatsoever. Do I condemn them, and what they are? Sure, I’d say I do. Perhaps my aggression towards them might be argued to be a kind of “repression”."
#veganism #anticiv #individualism #animalliberation #pronature #antihumanism
#veganism #anticiv #individualism #animalliberation #pronature #antihumanism
Very good article on #Anthropocene #AntiHumanism and #TransHumanism
I don't subscribe to either philosophy, though I'm much more opposed to transhumanism than antihumanism. I believe TH makes the categorical error of lionising individual egos in the same way as the #Christian idea of a heavenly afterlife
I'n not #AntiHumanist though. I'd rather we scaled back human effects on earth & learned to live with nature but not go extinct
#anthropocene #antihumanism #transhumanism #christian #antihumanist
This piece glosses over the ethical problems of the ideas it presents, but they're hinted at. #transhumanism #longtermism #extinction #antihumanism
"The revolt against humanity is a real and significant phenomenon, even if it is “just” an idea and its predictions of a future without us never come true... It is a spiritual development of the first order, a new way of making sense of the nature and purpose of human existence."
#transhumanism #longtermism #extinction #antihumanism
Hello brave new mastodony world! I guess I'll introduce myself for posterity:
I'm a #polytheist #pagan and practicing #zen #buddhist #mexicayotl (a revived #religion based on the traditions of my ancestors in #mexico). I mostly talk about #theology, #history, #meditation, #art and #arttheory, #antihumanism and #posthumanism, #decolonialism, #transrights, #ancestorwork, and #monasticism among other things.
Hoping to get to know some folks here, as well as lure more people away from Twatter 👀
#monasticism #ancestorwork #transrights #decolonialism #posthumanism #antihumanism #arttheory #art #meditation #history #theology #mexico #religion #mexicayotl #buddhist #zen #pagan #polytheist
Stabolitionist Memes
#abolition, #abolitionist, #transformativejustice, #restorativejustice, #slaves, #slavery, #blackchattelslavery, #antihumanism
collected from the decidedly inhumane internet
#abolition #abolitionist #transformativejustice #restorativejustice #slaves #slavery #blackchattelslavery #antihumanism