@foodnotbombswpb has been issued three citations for distributing food at their weekly food share along with independent journalist of WPB Government Watch.
“A disgrace to our First Amendment rights and a blatant act of cruelty” said one before vowing to fight the charges. @foodnotbombswpb has been sharing food for 16 years as direct action against war, imperialism, and capitalism.
The ordinance with which they’re being cited requires permits for events that feed 25+ people and only allows two permits per year per location. While Food Not Bombs universally stands against permits, this particular ordinance is designed to make compliance impossible and force the group to shut down.
However the community is fighting back! Students, community gardens, other Food Not Bombs chapters, journalists, socialists, and anarchists have rallied behind these food shares since the police began their campaign of harassment five months ago. Police will not be able to shut these food shares down.
Now all eyes now look to the Courts. FTL famously lost a similar case in federal court to @foodnotbombsftlauderdale and now WPB stands to as well.
There are five Food Not Bombs chapters being criminalized for sharing food in the so-called United States @foodnotbombshtx @memphisfoodnotbombs @fnbaberdeen and Food Not Bombs Las Vegas. As always, Food Not Bombs continues unabated.
Join @foodnotbombswpb food shares every Saturday at 4pm! Call WPB Government and demand a stop to these unconstitutional citations before a federal lawsuit costs the city!
#FuckPermits #Fuck12 #AbolishPolice #EndWar #AntiCapitalism #AntiImperialism #Anarchism #Socialism #MutualAidIsLove #FoodNotBombs
#fuckpermits #fuck12 #abolishpolice #endwar #anticapitalism #antiimperialism #anarchism #socialism #MutualAidIsLove #foodnotbombs
How Putin Fooled the Western Left
#putin #leftism #antiimp #antiimps #antiimperialism #propaganda
#putin #leftism #antiimp #antiimps #antiimperialism #propaganda
#fuckamerica #ihateamerica #fuckpoliticians #depression #violence #fucktrump #fuckdesantis #revenge #transrights #BLM #autism #queer #antifascism #antiimperialism #abortion #armtheleft #antichristian #antireligion
I'm really scared.
I feel that I have a form of major situational depression. I think this depression is being externally contributed by the fact that everything around me in in pure chaos right now. Nothing makes me happy anymore because of the environment that I feel I am forced to inhabit.
America wants to hunt me down for my sexuality, or rather lack thereof, and for the fact that I am a neurodivergent.
I formally renounced my citizenship after the Orlando massacre and Trump's immediate rise to power back in 2016, but I found the courage to publicly announce my hatred of the USA to my therapist after Uvalde. I can't live like this. I know my life in danger.
I have a natural enmity towards all politicians and all governments. Growing up in the deepest south, Georgia, redneck republican central, has done so much damage to my mental health.
Everybody loves to say that there are people who hate the USA for its freedom. I am one of those people. Yeah, I'm owning it, because this fuckhead nation thinks it can do whatever it wants and face no consequences for it.
I thought I was done with vengeance, but now I feel that it's probably the only thing keeping me alive. I feel that what people are currently enough is barely scratching the surface. We should be forcing politicians and fascists out of power with everything at our disposal, guns and all. I used to be heavily anti-gun, but I am reconsidering especially now that they gone as far as to take down Roe v. Wade.
You gotta understand that I want to fucking live. I really need help.
#fuckamerica #ihateamerica #fuckpoliticians #depression #violence #fucktrump #FUCKDeSantis #revenge #transrights #blm #autism #queer #antifascism #antiimperialism #abortion #ArmTheLeft #antichristian #antireligion
Very important article that discusses the history of #Russian #Imperialism and why anti-imperialists should remember that ALL empires are bad, be they the #USA, Russia, China, etc.
#russian #imperialism #usa #russia #empire #antiimperialism
Med det ukrainska folkets motstånd för dess seger mot aggressionen
Liksom under det vietnamesiska folkets frihetskamps dagar har vi alltid varit på de förtryckta och angripna folkens sida, oavsett om angriparna varit USA (och dess allierade i NATO) eller Sovjetunionen (och dess allierade inom Warszawa-pakten).
#Ryssland #Ukraina #Vnstern #Antiimperialism #Internationalism #Solidaritet
#solidaritet #Internationalism #antiimperialism #vnstern #ukraina #ryssland
Glaub nicht, dass wir Zeit haben, bis ihr mit eurer reaktionären Scheiße fertig seid! #antiimperialism #resistance #friendship
#friendship #resistance #antiimperialism
In 2022 we spoke with @counterpunch’s @ericdraitser on #Russia’s invasion of #Ukraine, & why right-wingers like Tucker Carlson & so-called "leftists" like Glenn Greenwald & Max Blumenthal share the same #foreignpolicy views.
📺 https://youtu.be/c61vatoEieM
🎧 https://on.soundcloud.com/AAL7XRqxHqGt4qxD8
#russia #ukraine #foreignpolicy #anarchism #antiimperialism #anticapitalism #antiwar
New Afrikan People's Organization: Some Lessons Learned by Chokwe Lumumba; Akinyele Umoja
#RepublicofNewAfrika, #NewAfrika, #NAPO, #NewAfrikanPeoplesOrganization, #Blacknationalism, #revolutionarynationalism, #antiimperialism, #revolutionarystrategy, #revolutionaryorganization
Undated pamphlet; articles reviewing the struggle for New Afrika.
#RepublicOfNewAfrika #newafrika #napo #newafrikanpeoplesorganization #Blacknationalism #revolutionarynationalism #antiimperialism #revolutionarystrategy #revolutionaryorganization
Someone from South Africa was on Hard Talk. He said he was pro-Putin because he is anti-imperialist. Putin wants to resurrect the Russian Empire. He says countries like Ukraine have no right to exist. Whether you need to be anti-US etc or not to be anti-imperialist you can't be anti-Imperialist and be pro-Putin.
#Putin #imperialism #russia #southafrica #BBCHardTalk #us #theWest #antiimperialism #empire
Today in Writing History May 7, 1861: Indian poet and playwright Rabindranath Tagore was born. Also known as the Bard of Bengal, Tagore was the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. He was also an anti-imperialist and supported Indian nationalism. In 1916, Indian expatriates tried to assassinate him in San Francisco.
#indian #Poet #playwright #RabindranathTagore #NobelPrize #assassination #Nationalism #SanFrancisco #antiimperialism
#indian #Poet #playwright #rabindranathtagore #nobelprize #assassination #Nationalism #sanfrancisco #antiimperialism
The Grim Reaper walks by
#ukpol #ukgov #classwar #ausgov #politas #antiimperialism #antiauthority #antinazi #antifascism #anticolonial #GoodNightWhitePride #acab
#ukpol #ukgov #classwar #AusGov #politas #antiimperialism #antiauthority #antinazi #antifascism #anticolonial #GoodNightWhitePride #acab
Cabral on Nkrumah by Partido Africano da Independência da Guiné e Cabo Verde; Amílcar Cabral
#eulogies, #eulogy, #KwameNkrumah, #PanAfricanism, #WestAfricanpolitics, #politicsofWestAfrica, #Africanpolitics, #politicsofAfrica, #anticolonialism, #antiimperialism
"Speech delivered by the Secretary General of PAIGC, Amilcar Cabral, at the Symposium organized by the Democratic Party of Guinea (PDG) in memory of President Dr. Kwame Nkrumah.
(People's Palace of Conakry, May 13th 1972)"
#eulogies #eulogy #KwameNkrumah #panafricanism #westafricanpolitics #politicsofwestafrica #AfricanPolitics #politicsofAfrica #anticolonialism #antiimperialism
Mont #reading: Historical Syria war 2013 commentary (#MontForum old) t.co/6AIfXg2eLz Marcus Anthonius #AntiImperialism
#reading #montforum #antiimperialism
Mont #reading: Historical Syria war 2013 commentary (#MontForum old) t.co/6AIfXg2eLz Marcus Anthonius #AntiImperialism
#reading #montforum #antiimperialism
"More than 150 workers whose labor underpins the AI systems of Facebook, TikTok and ChatGPT gathered in Nairobi on Monday and pledged to establish the first African Content Moderators Union, in a move that could have significant consequences for the businesses of some of the world’s biggest tech companies."
#UnionStrong #Labor #LaborOrganizing #AI #FairWage #ContentModeration #AntiImperialism #TikTok #Facebook #SocialMedia #ChatGPT #Africa
#unionstrong #labor #labororganizing #ai #FairWage #contentmoderation #antiimperialism #tiktok #facebook #socialmedia #chatgpt #africa
Frihetskampen i Guinea Bissau: Aspekter på en afrikansk revolution by Basil Davidson; Amílcar Cabral
#revolution, #GuineaBissau, #Västafrika, #antikolonialism, #antiimperialism, #rasism, #avkolonisering, #portugisiskaimperiet, #krig
'i denna bok redogör basil davidson för denna märkliga frihetskamp och diskuterar dess betydelse i större sammanhang.'
#revolution #GuineaBissau #vastafrika #antikolonialism #antiimperialism #Rasism #avkolonisering #portugisiskaimperiet #krig
The MANIDEM General Program for Transition to Socialism (PGTS) by Union of the Populations of Cameroon; Union des Populations du Cameroun; MANIDEM National Revolutionary Council (NRC); MANIDEM Conseil National de la Révolution (CNR)
#MANIDEM, #ManifestoforDemocracy, #UPC, #UniondesPopulationsduCameroun, #Cameroun, #Cameroon, #Kamerun, #Socialism, #ScientificSocialism, #MarxismLeninism, #Communism, #RevolutionaryPanAfricanism, #antiimperialism, #party program
"In less than ten years of work to rebuild the UPC with the strategy of the Manifesto for Democracy (MANIDEM) in 1974, the General Program for the Transition to Socialism was adopted in May 1980, preceded by more than a year of discussion, of amendments by MANIDEM and UPC militants, of patriots. The content of the discussions will appear in Resistance, the liaison bulletin of the Kamerunian revolutionaries, one of the publications of the UPC and the MANIDEM. The popular anchoring of the UPC since its creation was to be affirmed more clearly with this program that the UPC adopted for itself during its 3rd congress which was held in secrecy in 1982." - Kamerun, l'indépendance piégée: De la lutte de libération à la lutte contre le néocolonialisme
#manidem #manifestofordemocracy #upc #UniondespopulationsduCameroun #cameroun #cameroon #Kamerun #socialism #scientificsocialism #marxismleninism #communism #revolutionarypanafricanism #antiimperialism #party
we let the words of our comrade Dmitry Petrov, killed in action last week speak by themselves:
Message from our comrade Dmitry Petrov
My name is Dmitry Petrov, and if you are reading these lines, then most likely I died in the fight against Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
I am a member of the Fighting Organization of the Anarcho-Communists, and will remain so even after death. BOAC is our brainchild, born of faith in organized struggle. We managed to lead her on different sides of the state borders.
I tried my best to contribute to the victory over the dictatorship and the social revolution. And I am proud of my comrades who fought and are fighting in Russia and abroad.
As an anarchist, revolutionary and Russian, I found it necessary to take part in the armed rebuff that the Ukrainian people are giving to Putin's occupiers. I did this for the sake of justice, the protection of Ukrainian society and the liberation of my country, Russia, from oppression. For the sake of all the people who are deprived of their dignity and the opportunity to breathe freely by the vile totalitarian system created in Russia and Belarus.
Another important reason for participating in this war is to establish internationalism by example. In the days when deadly imperialism awakens in response a wave of nationalism and contempt for the Russians, I affirm in word and deed: there are no "bad nations." All peoples have one grief - greedy and power-hungry rulers.
It was not a purely individual decision and step. It was a continuation of our collective strategy aimed at creating sustainable structures and guerrilla combat confrontation with the tyrannical regimes of our region.
My dear friends, comrades and relatives, I apologize to all those whom I hurt with my departure. I really appreciate your warmth. However, I firmly believe that the struggle for justice, against oppression and injustice is one of the most worthy meanings that a person can fill his life with. And this struggle requires sacrifice, up to complete self-sacrifice.
The best memory for me is if you continue to work actively, overcoming personal ambitions and unnecessary harmful feuds. If you continue to actively fight to achieve a free society based on equality and solidarity. For yourself and for me, and for all our comrades. Risk, deprivation and sacrifice on this path are our constant companions. But be sure - they are not in vain.
I hug you all.
Yours, Ilya Leshy, "Seva", "Lev", Phil Kuznetsov,
Dmitry Petrov
we would suggest reading words written about him on a ukrainian telegram channel :
It became known that Russian anarchist Dmitry Petrov died near Bakhmut.
At the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Dmitry joined the Ukrainian Defense Forces and was a fighter in one of the Ukrainian special forces.
In addition to serving in the Ukrainian army, he was a member of the BOAC (Combat Organization of Anarcho-Communists *). This is the same organization that (among others) is waging a rail war in the Russian Federation, attacking Russian logistics infrastructure in order to disrupt the supply of the Russian army in Ukraine.
Dmitry considered himself a Russian person (which he always emphasized) and believed that the Ukrainian struggle would inspire the Russian people in the Russian Federation to resist Putin and his regime.
It is known that the Ukrainians with whom he served argued with him on this topic. Colleagues were skeptical (which is expected) of such views, but Dmitry still believed that the fooled Russian people could be awakened, including by an example of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people.
This was his firm position.
Dmitry died in battle, during the assault on enemy positions.
rest in solidarity leshyi. death to the tyrants.
#antiimperialism #anticolonialism #anarchistsatwar
For Kanak independence: The fight against French rule in New Caledonia by Susanna Ounei
#Kanaky, #anticolonialism, #antiimperialism, #frenchimperialism, #frenchcolonialism, #Melanesia, #selfdetermination, #independence, #Kanakpeople, #FLNKS, #FrontdeLibérationNationaleKanaketSocialiste, #antiblackness, #nationalliberation, #KanakSocialistNationalLiberationFront
"Since 1984, the struggle of the Kanak people against French colonial rule in New Caledonia has consistently attracted world headlines. It has become a symbol of the new awakening of the indigenous peoples of the Pacific against more than 100 years of imperialist domination.
In the English-speaking Pacific and beyond, however, very little is known of the history of the Kanak anti-colonial struggle or the Kanak Socialist National Liberation Front (FLNKS), which is leading the independence fight today.
In this pamphlet, Susanna Ounei, the official representative in New Zealand of the FLNKS who has been active in the national liberation struggle since 1969, backgrounds the situation in New Caledonia today and outlines the goals of the FLNKS. Also included is the founding charter of the FLNKS."
#kanaky #anticolonialism #antiimperialism #frenchimperialism #frenchcolonialism #Melanesia #SelfDetermination #independence #kanakpeople #flnks #frontdeliberationnationalekanaketsocialiste #antiblackness #nationalliberation #kanaksocialistnationalliberationfront