@maddiefuzz @TheBird
You don't even have to read #KOSA when it's authors opemly admit they just want to ban #LGBTQIA* content of any kind from the Internet.
It's #cyberfacism at best if not blatant #facsim and #antiintellectualism with no mask whatsoever.
If they ever cared about children they'd make all education, school lunches and healthcare free for minors!
#antiintellectualism #facsim #cyberfacism #LGBTQIA #KOSA
Gizmodo: Fake Claim That OpenAI Has a New Billion Dollar Investor Mysteriously Appears on Stock Exchange Website https://gizmodo.com/open-ai-fake-claim-london-stock-exchange-1850736730 #propagandatechniques #antiintellectualism #londonstockexchange #ripplewoodholdings #confidencetricks #businessfinance #minseokpang #ripplewood #timcollins #seokpang #elonmusk #fakenews #karenlee #openai #news
#propagandatechniques #antiintellectualism #londonstockexchange #ripplewoodholdings #confidencetricks #businessfinance #minseokpang #ripplewood #timcollins #seokpang #elonmusk #fakenews #karenlee #openai #news
TheOnion: Flat-Earthers Explain Why The Earth Is Flat https://www.theonion.com/flat-earthers-explain-why-the-earth-is-flat-1850720332 #modernflatearthbeliefs #hospitalityrecreation #antiintellectualism #moderngeocentrism #draftflatearth #humaninterest #environment #denialism #flatearth #icewall #earther
#modernflatearthbeliefs #hospitalityrecreation #antiintellectualism #moderngeocentrism #draftflatearth #humaninterest #environment #denialism #flatearth #icewall #earther
TheOnion: Flat-Earthers Explain Why The Earth Is Flat https://www.theonion.com/flat-earthers-explain-why-the-earth-is-flat-1850720332 #modernflatearthbeliefs #hospitalityrecreation #antiintellectualism #moderngeocentrism #draftflatearth #humaninterest #environment #denialism #flatearth #icewall #earther
#modernflatearthbeliefs #hospitalityrecreation #antiintellectualism #moderngeocentrism #draftflatearth #humaninterest #environment #denialism #flatearth #icewall #earther
People acting surprised that there are #vaccine deniers, #flatearth conspiracists, #qanon morons, #election deniers and a general wave of #AntiIntellectualism sweeping America.
What the hell do you expect when you build a society where we're just supposed to accept that 81% of the population believe in an invisible man who lives in the sky who grants wishes? And we're supposed to just pretend this is a valid point of view.
Where does anti-intellectualism come from? It's a mystery!
#Vaccine #flatearth #qanon #election #antiintellectualism
The trend in our society toward anti-intellectualism is a problem that needs to be tackled globally and with each one of us
Sorry, but if you're antagonistic towards the entire field of #psychology because of the atrocities a minority of its students have committed, I've got some bad news for you about the rest of #science too.
Anti-intellectualism is a sickness that pervades our society, and antagonism towards psychology (a field represented by the principles of science and not by any one of its students because it's not a fucking cult) only spreads anti-intellectualism further.
Can we put our attention on the #racists and other #bigots who use psychology and other #sciences to push their gross, fascistic agendas instead? I feel like that'd be more helpful.
After all, white people didn't invent science. They only fucked it up for two millennia by blending it with their dogmatic religious views, a process that has been reversing since at least the mid-20th century and has allowed for many amazing advancements in technology, treatment, and acceptance of human traits that need no treatment. Science is how we have finally come to know that trans and gay/lesbian people aren't sick, that autism isn't a disorder, and that humans need their basic needs--including the need for self-determination--to thrive.
Let's put our attention on the real enemy: people intent on perverting science by engaging it its literal opposite (pseudoscience) to pursue some gross agenda.
We who get into these fields to help others would appreciate that.
#psychology #science #racists #bigots #sciences #antiintellectualism #socialjustice
I don't know what happened but YouTube now wants me to watch lots of David Icke and even recommends 'Proof Karma is real' as well as Ben Shapiro. Thank goodness science gets defunded whilst YouTube grows richer 🙄 #algorithm #science #pseudoscience #socialmedia #antiintellectualism #disinformation
#algorithm #science #pseudoscience #socialmedia #antiintellectualism #disinformation
Probably an #unpopularopinion but I think #cunkonearth is the wrong thing to do in this age of #anti #intellectualism / #antiintellectualism.
#unpopularopinion #cunkonearth #anti #intellectualism #antiintellectualism
92% of our food is produced by agricultural corporations, not Farmer Brown. This crazed fuQ whore that thinks child molesters are hiding under the floorboards of her porch, but she’s getting paid millions to spew this tripe. https://www.alternet.org/harriet-hageman/ #HarrietHageman #qanoncult #fucktheGOP #theholodomor #antiintellectualism #EnvironmentalInjustice
#HarrietHageman #qanoncult #fucktheGOP #theholodomor #antiintellectualism #environmentalinjustice
"How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them" by Jason Stanley describes #fascism in a functional way with 10 interconnected chapters
1. The mythic past
2. #Propaganda
3. Anti-intellectualism
4. Unreality
5. #Hierarchy
6. Victimhood
7. Law and order
8. Sexual anxiety
9. Sodom and Gomorrah
10. Arbeit macht frei
The book shows how fascism develops and gives insight into recognizing fascistic elements of societies.
#fascism #propaganda #hierarchy #bookrecommendations #antiintellectualism
America… I despair for you! https://pen.org/report/banned-usa-growing-movement-to-censor-books-in-schools/ #bannedbooks #antiintellectualism #insane #usa
#bannedbooks #antiintellectualism #insane #usa
Privileged wealthy white men who came from an empire are whining about why people hate them and don’t want to be their servants anymore. #RacismIsReal #brexshit #Brexshiteer #brexshitwreckedit #ApartheidMusk #ElongatedMuskrat #antiimmigration #antiintellectualism #BrainDrain
#racismisreal #brexshit #brexshiteer #brexshitwreckedit #apartheidmusk #ElongatedMuskrat #antiimmigration #antiintellectualism #BrainDrain
Then you were just a religious nutfuck, born into incredible wealth, or an arrogant narcissistic sociopath. #charliejerk #toiletpaperusa #cult45 #antidemocracy #antiintellectualism
#charliejerk #toiletpaperusa #cult45 #antidemocracy #antiintellectualism
I have no particular affection for #Birkbeck, having taught there for a spell. But this is another classic example of why technocrats, philistines and bean counters shouldn't be allowed to run #universities.
The reason why Russians fall for any crap is as a result of decades upon decades of neglecting the #humanities in favour of 'practical' subjects.
#Birkbeck #universities #humanities #academics #literature #antiintellectualism