A billionaire, a worker, and an immigrant are sitting at a table with 1000 cookies. The billionaire takes 999 cookies and says to the worker: watch out, that immigrant is going to take your cookie! This short story describes the "divide and conquer" tactic used by the ruling class against the citizens they rule. Every ruling class knows very well that in order to rule in peace, they MUST turn citizens against each other and keep them distracted that way. And the reason why they do that is because no ruling class on Earth is legitimate. It's all based on lies and deception. The best form of government is a leaderless government. In other words, the best government is one with no master (leader in doublespeak). It's a decentralized form of government where decision-making is NEVER in the hands of a few corrupt politicians in the capitals of this planet but in the hands of ALL citizens. A similar concept exists TODAY in Switzerland where political decisions are made through national referendums by ALL citizens, not behind closed doors by politicians. People are finally waking up to this fact in mass from Georgia to Chile to France to Hong Kong to Catalonia to the Netherlands to the Czech Republic to Ecuador to Bolivia to Colombia to Serbia to Athens to Iraq to Iran to Syria to Lebanon to Egypt to Sudan to Algeria to Haiti. The war on leadership has already begun. The future will be leaderless and peaceful. It will be peaceful BECAUSE it will be leaderless.
#NoMaster #NoMoreMasters #NoLeader #NoMoreLeaders #LeaderlessUprising #AntiAuthoritarianism #LeaderlessGovernment #AntiGovernment #Leadership #AntiLeadership #Leaderlessness #LeadershipIsTheEnemy #TheWarOnLeadership #WarOnLeadership #Globalism #AntiGlobalism #ProIndependence #ProIndependenceProtesters
#nomaster #nomoremasters #noleader #nomoreleaders #leaderlessuprising #antiauthoritarianism #leaderlessgovernment #antigovernment #leadership #antileadership #leaderlessness #leadershipistheenemy #thewaronleadership #waronleadership #globalism #antiglobalism #proindependence #proindependenceprotesters