Actual Nazis (a group called Blood Tribe) were marching around a Pride event in Watertown, Wisconsin, today. Watertown is small town about halfway between Madison and Milwaukee. Also shouting hateful things at the local queer and trans populous were Gays Against Groomers Wisconsin (who posted a virulently antisemitic meme on Twitter earlier this week) and Mercy Seat Christian Church, a christofascist cult founded by arsonist Matt Trewhella and largely attended by his extended family. #fascism #christofascism #WhiteSupremacists #antiLGBTQhate
#fascism #ChristoFascism #whitesupremacists #antilgbtqhate another day in poland
#poland #usa #america #lgbt #homophobia #transphobia #twitter #elon #musk #elonmusk #infiltration #AntiLGBTQHate #lgbtq #antiLGBTQIA #antilgbt #antilgbtq
#poland #usa #america #lgbt #homophobia #transphobia #twitter #elon #musk #elonmusk #infiltration #antilgbtqhate #lgbtq #antiLGBTQIA #antilgbt #antilgbtq
Much better to be #WokeAF than meandering around life in a nonsentient sleepwalk, numbed by the rules of racist haters who decide your thoughts for you.
#wokeaf #antiracism #antilgbtqhate #antigenderhate #antihatesleepwalking #antihate