The war against civil rights is happening worldwide. The fight to win has to encompass the whole planet.
Since 2015, it has become impossible to dismiss anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric, legislation, court decisions, and violence in America. On Aug. 16, join 24HourNation and its panelists as we explore the current political climate, its impact on nightlife, and solutions to ensure that the nighttime remains inclusive and safe.
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#HateCrimes #AntiLGBTQIA #ANTILGBTQ #Nightlife #NighttimeEconomy #Gay #Trans #Transgender #Hate #Rightwing #DomesticTerrorism #Clubs #GunViolence
#gunviolence #clubs #domesticterrorism #rightwing #hate #Transgender #Trans #gay #nighttimeeconomy #nightlife #antilgbtq #antilgbtqia #hatecrimes
Sunday thoughts on #racism and #misogny #antilgbtqia+ #antitrans and other topics that divide people: we often think of both in terms of acts or feelings of hate but I think it’s important to realize that many people who do some of the most harm do so out of what they think is love or what they think is in other person’a best interest. We can see that in the antiabortion movement. Many of them truly believe if women (or girls) carry the pregnancies to term, everything will be fine.
#racism #misogny #antilgbtqia #antitrans