This new Louisiana internet law from the MAGAs puts Louisiana on the proverbial 'slippery slope' to autocratic-style internet censorship
"Looking to watch porn in Louisiana? Expect to hand over your ID"
@GatekeepKen @msnbc The MAGA appear to have given up on convincing any non-MAGA that Trump didn't do the stuff he's accused of. Now they are trying the 'Biden/Dems is just as dirty as the MAGA' trick. There was also an MSNBC article on social security numbers in some obscure doc released by the the J6 committee. The point of Jordan's HoR committee is to blur that line also. [don't be fooled, Mr. Baker is MAGA] #AntiMAGA
Joan & John Mastodon news directive for all #MastodonMigration newbies.
You're not in #FowlLand ANYMORE!
You're now in the Land Of Color!
The Land of Oz!
Put your learning hats on!
(Search for learning tutorials)
You're in the land of:
#mastodonmigration #fowlland #joanmastodon #johnmastodon #antibillionares #democracy #wokeville #anti #antimaga #noscreamers #NoAlgorithms #noadvertising #FuckElonMusk #NotKansasAnyMore
Seeing as #reintroduction is a thing, let’s give it a bash for the benefit of the latest #twittermigration members.
Long time online film critic (18 years and counting) but now getting back into #screenwriting again. Diagnosed as a depressive about nine years ago but I reckon it’s something I have had my whole life. Widowed in 2018 after eight years of marriage, no children sadly. But I do have two wonderful nieces and nephews nearby who keep me going. #bounceback #mentalhealth #antiMAGA #1love
#reintroduction #twittermigration #screenwriting #bounceback #mentalhealth #antimaga #1love
I’m part of the Great #twittermigration. I have a tiny account on Twitter, but follow some brilliant legal minds, journalists, and “real” patriots, many of whom are setting up accounts here. I want to keep up with their commentary. #blm #lbgtq ally #liberal #antiMAGA #agnostic sort of Buddhisty.
#twittermigration #blm #lbgtq #liberal #antimaga #agnostic
Good morning all, hope you slept well.
I have an idea for a charity that I want to get up and running, or at least spitball. If you are a #liberal and #antimaga, and have web design skills/shipping logistics experience/experience running non profits, please dm me and we can chat. I don't have experience in the field of nonprofits, and want to get some experienced folks on board (or I need them to confirm why the idea sucks lol).
This idea is NOT about hurting any political side or pushing an agenda, it should be a positive externality for all parties. Love everyone, please boost if you think you have followers who would be interested. #webdeveloper #logistics #nonprofit
#nonprofit #logistics #webdeveloper #antimaga #liberal
Total Chads right here, look how confident they look fighting fascists and protecting immigrants.
This is how you counter extremists, pacifism isn't working anymore so we must start fighting fire with fire.
#historyeducation #antifascistmemes #antimaga
#antimaga #antifascistmemes #historyeducation