@DaywalkingRedhead @MaJ1 @Babcia54 He/They will likely get away with it - since the system is corrupt & rot is from the top. However, they're not getting away with it very easily & I'm going to be a big thorn in their #antimasking #CovidEugenics side for at least a year, trying to pursue some justice. Maybe it's enough to make them not pull abuses of power on immunocompromised families in the future.
#antimasking #covideugenics #asianmastodon #disabledrights #covidsafety
@MaJ1 @Babcia54 My family were unnecessarily #traumatized by #antimasker #SaanichPolice under the lead command of president of #Saanich #police union, on botched 911 call, for paramedics on the night my Dad died. Me & my Mom still have nightmares to this day about that worst night of our lives. #DeanMurdoch #SaanichMayor is chair of SPD police board & their #antimasking #union controls him.
#traumatized #antimasker #saanichpolice #saanich #police #deanmurdoch #saanichmayor #antimasking #union
The London Free Press: #Criminal record hangs heavy on #pastor's son who assaulted #pro-mask senior https://lfpress.com/news/local-news/pastors-son-gets-criminal-record-for-assaulting-senior-over-pandemic-pro-mask-sign?utm_source=newsshowcase&utm_medium=gnews&utm_campaign=CDAQ_oSBs-m2wrCfARjq4PTIt7SMr4EBKg8IACoHCAowl9COCDDj_HU&utm_content=related
#criminal #pastor #pro #covid #antimasking