Some folks from have done an amazing job of mapping out the arguments for and against federating with Meta's Chains(1) server, if and when it starts federating over AP:
(1) I refuse to call it "Threads", as I see this as an attempt to trademark and thus privatise a generic term commonly used in the verse, and the web in general.
#meta #threads #chains #antimetafedipact #antifedimetapact
Between that, the removal of anonymity that Insta/Meta/Threads requires for the use of their app, the potential for overloading of small Fedi servers with cybertrash, & the goal of keeping the Fediverse independent from corporate capitalist control, I see no issue whatsoever with the #AntiMetaFediPact, and I continue to endorse & support it. We didn't leave Twitter & Bluesky just to have Zuckerberg attempt a buyout to impose the same nonsense here.
Just a difference of opinion.
First thing I ought to have said:
0) I have total faith in the good intentions of the people behind the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact. I applaud people's willingness to make a public stand against any DataFarmers, *especially* Meta. We are on the same side here.
What I'm trying with all my comments on this is to argue for a different approach to strategy. Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong. I trust everyone involved to use their own best judgment and decide for themselves.
"Is the goal of the Fediverse to be anti-corporate/anti-commercial, or to be pro-openness?"
I have huge respect for Jon Gruber - especially after his brave and empathetic talk on the many harms of public shaming ("Cancel Culture") - so I'm going to take some time to unpack this.
#johngruber #fediverse #antimetafedipact #antifedimetapact
J'avais pas eu vent de ce pacte anti-meta ^^
#AntiMetaFediPact #Meta #project92
#antimetafedipact #meta #project92
This is from a few months back, but still pertinent: How Meta's new project P92 could deliver the killing blow to Twitter...and why the fediverse should be on alert #Fediverse #Meta #AntiMetaFediPact #AntiMetaPact
#fediverse #meta #antimetafedipact #antimetapact
Hey @admin I'm assuming we can add to the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact? #AntiMetaFediPact #AntiMetaPact
#antimetafedipact #antimetapact
The #AntiMetaFediPact in a nutshell:
- Fediverse users: We want to reinvent social networks
- Meta: OK, let’s try it
- Fediverse users: STAY AWAY FROM US
This pact is another instance of the performative activism that is currently hindering Mastodon and the Fediverse to have any shot at replacing legacy social media
This is the same performative activism that fuels the Fedipolice, and lead some "progressive" people to tell Black folks, LGBTQ folks and disabled folks to "go back to Twitter"