It's not as dire as in #TheLastOfUs, but fungal infections are a serious threat. Especially as antifungal drugs are rare and resistance is on the rise. Our institute's director Axel Brakhage on the research challenges:
#fungalresistance #fungainfections #antimycotics #antibiotics
#thelastofus #fungalresistance #fungainfections #antimycotics #antibiotics #research #scicomm
What do Keanu Reeves and #NaturalProducts produced by bacteria🦠have in common?
They're both deadly to their enemies. That's why #LeibnizHKI researchers named the #toxins they discovered keanumycins. They could be used as #fungicides:
@unijena @dfg_public @Hertweck_Lab
Direct link to the article:
The research was also highlighted as a News & Views article in @Nature
#naturalproducts #leibnizhki #toxins #fungicides #scicomm #antimycotics #research #fungalresistance