Today in Labor History August 15, 1906: W.E.B. DuBois demanded equal citizenship rights for African-Americans during the second meeting of the Niagara Movement, saying, "We will not be satisfied to take one jot or little less than our full manhood." Founders of the movement named it for the “mighty current” of change they hoped to achieve. DuBois made his famous statement at Harper’s Ferry, sight of the failed insurrection led by John Brown, in 1859. For a wonderful speculative fiction story based on the premise that John Brown had succeeded in his raid, with the help of Harriet Tubman, read Terry Bisson’s “Fire on the Mountain” (1988).
In addition to cofounding the Niagara Movement, DuBois also cofounded the NAACP. He devoted his life to fighting racism, segregation, Jim Crow and lynchings. DuBois opposed capitalism and blamed it for much of the racism in America. He was also a prolific writer, an anti-nuclear and peace activist, and a proponent of Pan-Africanism.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #naacp #niagara #WEBDubois #racism #panafricanism #antinuke #antiwar #BlackMastadon #anticapitalist #HarpersFerry #JohnBrown #writer #author #books #fiction #SpeculativeFiction @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #naacp #niagara #webdubois #racism #panafricanism #antinuke #antiwar #BlackMastadon #anticapitalist #harpersferry #johnbrown #writer #author #books #fiction #speculativefiction
>You need enough water but our rivers are to dry and warm
Partly because of our fossil fuel usage for electricity. There are ample water in main waterways, sea, and sewage.
>Nuclear power plants are not flexible enough
Current plants allow 80% variation in 30 minutes.
>The costs are to high and the planning is to long
Why do you think that is ? After 50 years of #antinuke, we lost our edge. Imagine how many safe plants we could have had !
@greenpeace You're right ! You can start by taking responsibility for the fossil fuel you helped consume for all those years. Imagine where we would be w.r.t. global carbon emissions if you hadn't stoked for decades #antinuke movements based on anti-science cargo-cults !
Today in Labor History July 8, 1898: May Picqueray was born. She was a French anarchist, trade unionist and pacifist, who published the pacifist, anti-militarist periodical Le Réfractaire from 1974 to 1983. In 1921, in response to the silence of the French press on the convictions of Sacco and Vanzetti, she sent a parcel bomb containing a defensive grenade and leaflets to the American embassy. Her efforts helped mobilize French journalists, without harming any people and only causing damage to material. In 1922, as a delegate of the Metalworkers union, she visited Moscow, where she climbed on a table full of Red Trade Union officials to denounce their having a luxurious banquet while the common people starved. She refused to shake hands with Trotsky because of his responsibility for crushing the Kronstadt rebellion, and his betrayal of Nestor Makhno. During the Spanish Civil War, she helped transport orphans out of the country. During World War II, she help people escape French concentration camps. She also was a participant in the French uprising of May 1968, participated in anti-nuclear campaigns and supported war resisters.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #anarchism #MayPicqueray #pacifism #antiwar #CivilWar #ConcentrationCamp #union #organizer #feminism #Kronstadt #antinuke #NestorMakhno #trotsky #SaccoAndVanzetti
#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #maypicqueray #pacifism #antiwar #civilwar #concentrationcamp #union #organizer #feminism #kronstadt #antinuke #NestorMakhno #trotsky #SaccoAndVanzetti
Today in Labor History May 24, 1980: Hundreds were arrested in the occupation of Seabrook, New Hampshire, nuclear power plant construction site. The Clamshell Alliance was the main organizer. Founding members of the Clamshell Alliance include presidential candidate and left-green activist, Howie Hawkins, as well as journalist and anti-nukes activist Harvey Wasserman. Keith McHenry, cofounder of Food Not Bombs, also cut his activist teeth with the Clamshells.
#activism #AntiNuke #FoodNotBombs #NuclearPower #ClamshellAlliance
#activism #antinuke #foodnotbombs #NuclearPower #clamshellalliance
#Antinuke: après avoir déplacé la manif de #Bure à #Paris, "l’actualité politique prédominante aspire à juste titre toutes nos attentions militantes et nous pensons raisonnable de reporter ce grand évènement anti-nucléaire pour qu’il se passe dans les meilleures conditions"
RT @cedra_collectif
Un message de l’équipe d’organisation : Report du 3 juin contre le #nucléaire, ses bombes, ses déchets et son monde : les planètes n’…
#antinuke #bure #paris #nucleaire
@CycloCitrouille @SamNantes
Toutes les infos sur le Vélo-Castor de Loire sont là
#velocastor #velo #velorution #antinuke #loireatlantique
Today in Labor History February 21, 1958: The CND symbol (aka peace symbol) was designed and completed by Gerald Holtom. The Direct Action Committee (DAC) commissioned the project in protest against the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment. The DAC was a British pacifist organization that did non-violent direct action to obtain the total renunciation of nuclear war and nuclear weapons. It existed from 1957 to 1961. They organized meetings, marches, vigils, pickets and acts of civil disobedience.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #peace #PeaceSymbol #CivilDisobedience #antinuke #NuclearWar #pacifism #atomic
#workingclass #LaborHistory #peace #peacesymbol #civildisobedience #antinuke #nuclearwar #pacifism #atomic
Des militant·es anti-nuke se paient la tête de Jancovici et démontent le propos de sa BD à succès "Le Monde Sans Fin", en se faisant passer pour la maison d'édition afin de demander aux libraires de glisser un erratum acerbe dans l'ouvrage... Et ça a marché apparemment (aux quatre coins de la France). Une action créative comme on les aime :D
#antinuke #antinucleaire #ecologie #jancovici
Nuke Info Tokyo No. 211 (November/December 2022)
Critical Note on the Interim Report of the Nuclear Power Subcommittee Innovative Reactor Working GroupBy Matsukubo Hajime (CNIC)
Notes on Participation in the Korea-Japan Nuclear Peace Pilgrimage By Takano Satoshi (CNIC)
A Survey on the Concentration of Radioactive Cesium in Japanese Milk Samples (2021)–
and more
#AntiNukePlant #antinuke #cinic #japan
Nuke Info Tokyo No. 211 (November/December 2022)
Critical Note on the Interim Report of the Nuclear Power Subcommittee Innovative Reactor Working GroupBy Matsukubo Hajime (CNIC)
Notes on Participation in the Korea-Japan Nuclear Peace Pilgrimage By Takano Satoshi (CNIC)
A Survey on the Concentration of Radioactive Cesium in Japanese Milk Samples (2021)–
and more
#AntiNukePlant #antinuke #cinic #japan
Shalom, all! I'm Peppermint Twist (also known in some circles as Edna, Edi, or E... even Eden, if you really want to get jiggy with it). I'm going to do a quick "introduction through hashtags", off the top of my fuzzy little head. I'm passionate about: #climatechange #environmentalism #nature #cats #dogs #democracy #constitution #DEI #CivilRights #NonViolence #Gardening #Music #BernieSanders #DemocraticParty (when I'm not mad at it... and even when I am) #AntiNuke #UnitarianUniversalism #Judaism
#judaism #UnitarianUniversalism #antinuke #democraticparty #BernieSanders #Music #Gardening #nonviolence #civilrights #DEI #constitution #Democracy #Dogs #Cats #Nature #environmentalism #ClimateChange
Shalom, all! I'm Peppermint Twist (also known in some circles as Edna, Edi, or E... even Eden, if you really want to get jiggy with it). I'm going to do a quick "introduction through hashtags", off the top of my fuzzy little head. I'm passionate about: #climatechange #environmentalism #nature #cats #dogs #democracy #constitution #DEI #CivilRights #NonViolence #Gardening #Music #BernieSanders #DemocraticParty (when I'm not mad at it... and even when I am) #AntiNuke #UnitarianUniversalism #Judaism
#judaism #UnitarianUniversalism #antinuke #democraticparty #BernieSanders #Music #Gardening #nonviolence #civilrights #DEI #constitution #Democracy #Dogs #Cats #Nature #environmentalism #ClimateChange
Vous vouliez un exemple du #dogme anti-nucléaire? Bah écoutez Jadot...
#Anonymous #OpFukushima #DocumentsTEPCO
We will not tolerate such attitudes.
As promised, we are exposing the documents
Documents #TEPCO - #Fukushima
#TEPCOLeak #bigdata #antinuke #antinuclear #Fukushima #TEPCO #DocumentsTEPCO #OpFukushima #Anonymous