river · @revoltthetruth
7 followers · 94 posts · Server mindly.social
River · @revoltthetruth
0 followers · 8 posts · Server mindly.social

The fight to escape the micro fascism that causes me to desire power, to micromanage, to desire order and hierarchy, to desire standards and rules, is one of the hardest battles over my mind.

#antioedipus #sunday

Last updated 2 years ago

Paavo Kässi · @paavokassi
340 followers · 213 posts · Server zirk.us

Today, a Finnish publisher focusing on social sciences and philosophy, , celebrated the 50th anniversary of 's / by re-publishing the old Finnish translation.

AŒ bores me, so it's not my jubilee.

I prefer / and its interpretation of as a form of "pure stratégie" and "guerre sans ligne de combat". If I were to tutor game designers, I'd make them read this. Un jeu est fait de vitesses très différentes!

#tutkijaliitto #deleuzeguattari #antiœdipe #antioedipus #milleplateaux #athousandplateaus #go

Last updated 2 years ago

Paavo Kässi · @paavokassi
340 followers · 213 posts · Server zirk.us

Today, a Finnish publisher focusing on social sciences and philosophy, , celebrated the 50th anniversary of 's / by re-publishing the old Finnish translation.

AŒ is bores me, so it's not my jubilee.

I prefer / and its interpretation of as a form of "pure stratégie" and "guerre sans ligne de combat". If I were to tutor game designers, I'd make them read this. Un jeu est fait de vitesses très différentes!

#tutkijaliitto #deleuzeguattari #antiœdipe #antioedipus #milleplateaux #athousandplateaus #go

Last updated 2 years ago