It should not, cannot, and must not take white people’s racist harm toward Black people for white people to understand the harm of racism.
#antioppression #endwhitedominance #ralphyarl
In #Seattle - a bill advanced by #socialist #CityCouncil member Kshama Sawant has #outlawed #caste #discrimination . She and Cornel West argue in #Jacobin that the #law is a #victory against #oppression .
On February 21, the city became the #first #jurisdiction outside #SouthAsia to do so.
#GoodNews #AsianMastodon #EndDiscrimination #EndCasteSystems #SouthEastAsians #POC #AntiCasteSystem #AntiOppression #SocialJustice #SocialEquality #HumanRights
#seattle #socialist #citycouncil #outlawed #caste #discrimination #jacobin #law #victory #oppression #first #jurisdiction #southasia #goodnews #asianmastodon #EndDiscrimination #endcastesystems #southeastasians #poc #anticastesystem #antioppression #socialjustice #socialequality #humanrights
Remember that your boundaries are yours, determined by you and essential for liberatory work.
Unlike borders, which are determined by colonizers and need to be abolished.
#antioppression #boundaries #keepboundaries #abolishborders
“Oppression breeds rebellion…” #Andor #sociology #lucasfilm #antioppression
#Andor #sociology #lucasfilm #antioppression
I want nothing to do w/ ChatGPT, especially while U$ invests more in war & tech for the rich over the health of our society & ecosystems.
Can we invest in Environmental & Social Sciences for our kids? Maybe listen to the educators & researchers for once.
#ChatGPT #AI #MedicareForAll #UBI #cancelstudentdebt #Strike #Solidarity #MakeCollegeFreeAgain #climate #PeopleOverProfit #CorporateGreed #DEI #Inclusion #AntiRacism #antioppression #leftist #LAUSD #teachers #California
#chatgpt #ai #medicareforall #ubi #cancelstudentdebt #strike #solidarity #makecollegefreeagain #climate #peopleoverprofit #corporategreed #dei #inclusion #antiracism #antioppression #leftist #LAUSD #teachers #california
[This is the final in a four-part #series on the #AntiWar #movement of 2003 & the role of #labour . The previous article looked at the #lessons around #AntiImperialism and #AntiOppression & this article looks at lessons around #MassAction & labour #strategy .The mass anti-war movement stopped the #Canadian government from going to #WarInIraq in 2003 & trained a new generation of #activists in the process.]
#series #antiwar #movement #labour #lessons #antiimperialism #antioppression #massaction #strategy #canadian #wariniraq #activists #springmag #activism #decolonization #injustice #grassroots
The theory of kyriarchy is that all systems of oppression are interconnected and form a larger, overall system of domination. This means that individually, in some aspects of our lives, we may experience marginalization and lack of power, while in other aspects of our lives we have privilege and power. ‘ #Equality #antioppression
We are AI’s creators and it’s casualties.
As someone who works in AI and Tech justice, I want us to be mindful of the incredible power available to us, and also, the immense danger of weaponization and carelessness in that power.
When AI models are created, trained, and applied with care, we have many avenues and opportunities available to us that can ensure empowering, not overpowering, outcomes.
#antioppression #ai #trustworthyAI #aiethics #machinelearning #techjustice
#techjustice #machinelearning #aiethics #TrustworthyAI #ai #antioppression
The reason I go through all of the trouble (they always make it a process) to opt out of facial recognition at borders, on flights, at venues, is not because I’m under the illusion that my images, video, audio aren’t already out there.
It is to advocate for consent culture.
#optout #antioppression #aiethics #optout #AImanifestdestiny #ai #machinelearning #facialrecognition #techjustice #dataprivacy #digitalsecurity
#digitalsecurity #dataprivacy #techjustice #facialrecognition #machinelearning #ai #aimanifestdestiny #aiethics #antioppression #optout
Indeed just released a report talking about how half of Black workers are thinking about leaving their jobs. And in fact, I think it’s way more because I’ve been witnessing this.
As someone who works directly with organizations on anti-oppression, I observe this every single day.
Today doing
anti-oppression work with an organization about to unionize.
Not all unions are created equally.
Let’s do this.
#antioppression #workersunite #unions
More things for the #hivemind or #lazyweb:
What is a good , coomprehensive read on #antioppression training and what benefits it brings to organisations?
#hivemind #lazyweb #antioppression
Related #RecommendedReading on #InternalizedOppression - which is the big umbrella for #InternalizedMisogyny aka #InternalizedSexism , #InternalizedRacism & it's helped #colonialism , #patriarchy & #capitalism breed & fester.
#EducationIsKey #KnowledgeIsPower #Decolonization #EducateYourself #ReadAboutIt #Learning #KnowBetterDoBetter #AntiOppression #FreeYourMind #DecolonizeYourMind
#recommendedreading #internalizedoppression #internalizedmisogyny #internalizedsexism #internalizedracism #colonialism #patriarchy #capitalism #educationiskey #knowledgeispower #decolonization #educateyourself #readaboutit #learning #knowbetterdobetter #antioppression #freeyourmind #decolonizeyourmind
Today doing anti-oppression work admin. Yes, there is admin involved in taking down oppression, because capitalism.
Today doing anti-oppression work with a book publisher.
Words change worlds.
Let’s do this.
Gave an anti-oppression class today for an artists’ residency on AI art and ethics.
Early morning human things.
#Antioppression #aiethics #ai #machinelearning #facialrecognition #techjustice #dataprivacy #digitalsecurity
#digitalsecurity #dataprivacy #techjustice #facialrecognition #machinelearning #ai #aiethics #antioppression
I cannot tell you, how many organizations tapped me to “review” their “Black Lives Matter statements” a few years back.
I said no to every single one.
If you need me review your “statement,” you are not even ready to do the action required to make a statement.
#antioppression #DefundThePolice #keenananderson
The white culture of thinking you can identify as a Person of Color simply because you like something about that culture.
It is not appreciation.
It is exactly the theft and erasure that live at the origin of genocide, enslavement, and colonialism.
#culturalappropriation #antioppression
#antioppression #culturalappropriation
Since I already shared what I do when I opt out of border facial recognition, here’s what happens when I opt out of flight boarding biometrics gathering.
And by the way, I’ve been sharing best case scenarios so far. Some cases have been horrific.
#aiethics #facialrecognition #techjustice #antioppression
#antioppression #techjustice #facialrecognition #aiethics