The porn industry is really bad. Please don't assume the enemy (porn industry) of your enemy (people trying to censor free speech) is your friend. The vast majority of porn, by almost any measure (produced, watched, revenue, etc) depicts actual violence against women and girls. The porn (and wider sex trade) industry is chock full of literal groomers who are constantly scouting for "barely legal" (and often not at all legal) teen girls to exploit and abuse. #porn #antiporn
#Radfems are the most frustrating people in the world for me. I feel like we should be allies. They're so agonizingly close to getting it. But instead they enthusiastically contribute to and perpetuate the persecution of the very people whom #patriarchy hurts the most.
#terfs #terf #swerfs #swerf #transmisogyny #whorephobia #whitefeminism #antikink #antibdsm #antiporn #radicalfeminism #feminism #misogyny #slutshaming #sexnegativity #sexnegativefeminism
#radfems #patriarchy #terfs #terf #swerfs #swerf #transmisogyny #whorephobia #whitefeminism #antikink #antibdsm #antiporn #radicalfeminism #feminism #misogyny #slutshaming #sexnegativity #sexnegativefeminism