The value of literature... of the cost of rare books...
#antiquarianbook #rarebooks #RareBookTrade
#Cervantes #Quijote #Novelasejemplares #bibliophilia #canon #firstedition
#antiquarianbook #rarebooks #RareBookTrade #Cervantes #quijote #Novelasejemplares #bibliophilia #canon #firstedition #arewecrazy
A double toot, #elephants from “Nova de li Animali piu curiosi de Mundo” (Rome, 1650). A favorite volume in our #specialcollections and the plate I was looking for yesterday when I found the grumpy porcupine
#art #rarebooks #antiquarianbook #copperplate #libraries #toots
#toots #libraries #copperplate #antiquarianbook #rarebooks #art #specialcollections #elephants
The porcupine from Antonio Tempesta's "Nova Raccolta de li Animali piu curiosi del Mondo" (Rome, 1650) has a five- o'clock shadow and really sums up the ✨ vibe ✨ this week :dumpster_fire:
#rarebook #antiquarianbook #17thcentury #copperplate #porcupine #libraries
#libraries #porcupine #copperplate #17thcentury #antiquarianbook #rarebook