Some of my interests as hashtags
#SpaceHistory #Apollo
#HistoryOfMedicine #MedicalHistory #histmed
#ClassicHorror #ClassicHorrorFilms #ClassicHorrorMovies
#FolkHorror #folklore #MythsAndLegends
#Lovecraft #HPL
#MRJames #GhostStories #SupernaturalFiction
#VintageSewingMachines #AntiqueSewingMachines
#Music #PsychedelicMusic #Psychedelic60s #60sMusic
#Books #Bibliophile
#Houseplants #IndoorGardening #Orchids
#orchids #indoorgardening #houseplants #bibliophile #books #60smusic #psychedelic60s #psychedelicmusic #music #1960s #antiquesewingmachines #vintagesewingmachines #supernaturalfiction #ghoststories #mrjames #HPL #lovecraft #MythsandLegends #folklore #folkhorror #Svengoolie #HammerHorror #horrormovies #classichorrormovies #classichorrorfilms #classichorror #wwi #wwii #histmed #medicalhistory #historyofmedicine #history #apollo #spacehistory
Are there any folks out there who know about #antiquesewingmachines or can point me in the right direction?
This is a Hengestenberg Regina, made in (about) 1890.
It belonged to my Great Grandmother, and has been passed down to me. The hand crank works and the needle goes up and down, but the bobbin winder doesn't work due to the rubber wheel being very old and seizing. I've got a new one on order, so I am hoping that will work and I will be able to fill the bobbin and see if it will sew!