Part 2 Business Reconciliation, tone policing, and racial battle fatigue #IndigenousAwareness #AntiRacismEducation
#indigenousawareness #antiracismeducation
New post, thoughts about harm reduction in education: @edutooters @edutooter
"Trauma-responsivity is the throughline for multiple types of responsive, integrative teaching (ex. race & ethnicity, gender & sexuality, ability, neurodiversity, and so on)"
#TraumaResponsive #TraumaResponsiveEducation #AdultEducation #AdultLearning #TraumaInformed #Trauma #HigherEd #HigherEdInPrison #CorrectionsEducation #AdultEducator #TeachingAndLearning #AntiRacism #AntiRacismEducation
#antiracismeducation #antiracism #teachingandlearning #adulteducator #correctionseducation #higheredinprison #highered #trauma #traumainformed #AdultLearning #adulteducation #traumaresponsiveeducation #traumaresponsive
"At my job, am I the white person who shows up grudgingly for the diversity and equity meeting, or am I trying to figure out how to be a real accomplice to my colleagues of color?" listen to this great Ted talk for insight on white history and race. #AntiRacismEducation #BlackHistoryMonth
#antiracismeducation #blackhistorymonth
For #BlackFriday - please consider #learning from this #timeline of #BlackHistory in #BritishColumbia #Canada 🙌
#BlackMastodon #POC #AntiRacismEducation #decolonization #learnAboutHistory #KnowledgeIsPower #EducationIsKey #BLM #BCHistory #BlackPioneers #Awareness
#blackfriday #learning #timeline #blackhistory #britishcolumbia #canada #blackmastodon #poc #antiracismeducation #decolonization #learnabouthistory #knowledgeispower #educationiskey #blm #bchistory #blackpioneers #awareness