Hi #introduction:
I'm a scientist working in
soil microbiology, trying to support the agroecological transformation 🥕. I see my place in connecting farmers and scientists: Translating academic knowledge into something useful for farmers, while engaging with practitioners to make their experience .
#rstats #science #microbiology #soil
#agroecology #agroecologia
#agriculture #agricultura
#biodiversity #biodiversidad
#climate #ecology
Yeah. I am a science nerd. However, I am totally aware that producing scienctific knowledge alone is of no good. Better tools in the hands of crazy spacehip-building capitalists and/or or autocratic governments won't solve our problems. Some of my political views might be considered by some people as radical, but I think it is much crazier to act like there is a Planet B. We have a lot to do. Together:
#anarchism #anarchismus #anarquismo
#refugees #refugiados
#antiracism #antirassissmus #antiracismo
#postgrowth #degrowth #climatejustice #solarpunk
#cooperatives #cooperativas #economiasolidaria #gemeinwohlökonomie
#rojava #zapatistas #revolution #protest #solidarity #movimientossociales
buf. The list is getting too long 😅
Languages: English, German, Spanish, Catalan.
Fully non-unpriviledged: europeanwhiteablecismalewealthyeducated. Probably the most useful I can do at this point is to try to be aware (and less times an ass), and use my privileges for good.
Ok. Enough said.
Open for suggestions & collaborations 😊
#Introduction #rstats #science #microbiology #soil #agroecology #agroecologia #agriculture #agricultura #biodiversity #biodiversidad #climate #ecology #anarchism #Anarchismus #anarquismo #refugees #refugiados #antiracism #antirassissmus #antiracismo #PostGrowth #degrowth #ClimateJustice #solarpunk #cooperatives #cooperativas #EconomiaSolidaria #gemeinwohlökonomie #Rojava #zapatistas #Revolution #protest #solidarity #movimientossociales