We are proud to join 320+ charities, unions, businesses, & faith leaders in calling on
to scrap the inhumane #AntiRefugeeBill2.
This #RefugeeBanBill is opposed by communities across the UK: together, we will defend the right to seek safety.
#antirefugeebill2 #refugeebanbill
I have emailed my MP, using the template text, directly. I do this so I keep a copy of the email and I know what the dismissive* reply is about!
* My MP is #conservative
#RefugeeAction #Email #IllegalImmigrantionBill #AntiRefugeeBill2
#Conservative #refugeeaction #email #illegalimmigrantionbill #antirefugeebill2
#AntiRefugeeBill2 is all about punishment, not protection. I’ve just asked my MP to oppose the government's attempts to pass more laws attacking refugees. Join me! https://act.refugee-action.org.uk/page/123855/action/1?locale=en-GB&en_chan=tw&en_ref=255543920