Anti-rivalry in business models ... a paradox? Not quite! Check out ATARCA's short 2min videos on how you can do business by maximizing the sharing of anti-rival digital goods!
#antirival #data #digital #goods #course
Want a quarterly round-up of all things #antirival? Sign up by Friday to get the last 2022 #newsletter. Register now at #h2020
In January, we submitted an Ethereum Improvement Proposal, and it has just progressed to last call! In this proposal, we outline our ideas on shareable NFTs, an integral aspect of our use cases which allows us to capure anti-rival logic.
Read our EIP here:
#H2020 #nfts #antirival #eip #ethereum
👋 Hello World (of Mastodon!)! We're excited to be here.
In ATARCA, we're experimenting with the unique nature of digital goods and how to capture anti-rivalry.
Compared to standard goods, #digitalgoods increase with value the more they are shared and used. We are working towards an efficient economy of digital goods based on their #antirival characteristics and negative subtractability.