#nemoradio #f #antisec #ytcracker
@chiefgyk3d I used to follow @YourAnonNews on birdsite. But got bad vibes when they launched this sub thing. and they ignored Israeli aggression.
idk. @LulzSec / #AntiSec was peak and I miss them </3
Remix bringing back the #antisec hacktivist days of 2011 when we attacked intelligence agencies and law enforcement. Also respects for removing the reference to that FBI snitch Sabu @hxmonsegur from the original song
RT @TheEDMNetwork
Out now via @mau5trap, @deadmau5 teams up with @realytcracker on "Antisec" 🔊
Not a collab I ever expected to see, but I'm all for it. #deadmau5 #ytcracler #antisec #stcisthegreatest
#deadmau5 #ytcracler #antisec #stcisthegreatest
I want to cringe but like... It's so fucking good
#infosec #antisec #deadmau5 #lulzsec #ytcracker
I don’t know who needs to read this, but @ytcracker had his #antisec song re-released/remixed today by Deadmau5.
On other thing, the #hacker #infosec #blackhat #antisec back-and-forth movement from 15-20 years helped perfect the "art of the dox" so really, as a veteran of that time can I really complain about how doxxing is bad anyway? #FoodForThought
#hacker #infosec #blackhat #antisec #foodforthought
7 years and still a great read. Hack Back - How Phineas Fisher took down HackingTeam. https://gist.github.com/jaredsburrows/9e121d2e5f1147ab12a696cf548b90b0 #antisec
"Cops. Defense contractors. The FTC. Military attorneys. FBI conference calls. Some of the most striking hack-attacks of the past year were executed under the middle finger banner of #AntiSec. But what if this "movement" was a gigantic trap all along?"
https://open.tube/videos/watch/caa3da7f-7599-4bf7-a03c-081b4bd9e9a2 The documentary begins with a number of interviews attempting to discover meanings of words 'hack' and 'hacking'. From these interviews we begin to see that hacking has *less to do* with computer security or technology in general; instead it is a philosophy, a way of life, a creative realization of ideas. A hack is an elegant approach to a tricky problem #antisec #hackthesystem @merce @PerroMalo @MegageM