Despite red flags at every turn, I ended up with #openfaas and a simple python script. (It needs rewriting in node or something, but it mostly works and only sometimes crashes.)
I'll never use openfaas commercially again though. The docs are littered with formerly-free features that are now paid. At a minimum, scrub your website so you don't look like such a tool.. Especially when the install directions are a blog post that pimps all those "free" features.
I don't like relying on an "open source" project that has shown they will take features away if we need them.
And I don't know why this still needs saying: **AUTHENTICATION IS NOT A PAID ADD-ON. IT IS A CORE FEATURE.** We are not in 1998 anymore. Don't demand "enterprise" pricing for authentication. That is #antisecurity
@nzakas it's an #AntiSecurity-Feature since it prevents people from using #PasswordManagers, resulting in weaker Passwords like:
instead of some solid password generated with cryptographic randomness...
Like a 128-digit password...
#passwordmanagers #antisecurity