Blamellors ✔️✔️💙 · @blamellors
173 followers · 1387 posts · Server

Movie night in Congress. Choices don’t include the Barbie movie that broke box office records or Oppenheimer that documents how Roy Cohn and Joe McCarthy treated the “Father of the Atomic Bomb”.

Instead My Kevin showed a Qanon inspired movie Sounds Of Freedom.
A review .
"The adrenochrome theory has roots in a blood libel canard leveled at Jews since the Middle Ages….
"The myth that Jews use the blood of Christian children in rituals …Yikes🤬😱

#antisemetism #gop #film

Last updated 1 year ago

What is ?

When coastal urbanites bravely assert that out of all aboriginal nations, only Jews must be denied self-determination in their ancestral land, where are they coming from? When tiki-torch neonazis or black nationalists threaten synagogues, what drives them? Are all these cases connected somehow? Do they share a common cause?

Come learn about the historical roots of antisemetism with Dr. Henry Abramson


Last updated 1 year ago

"No Jews Allowed" - The Seligmann affair (1877), when Jew-hate became something for Americans to celebrate

#history #antisemetism #america #segregation

Last updated 1 year ago

Shades · @shades
344 followers · 490 posts · Server

by in :

"Soon after he acquired ownership, the platform saw nearly a fivefold increase in the use of the n-word, the most engaged tweets were overtly antisemitic and the site was flooded with anonymous trolls spewing racist slurs and Nazi memes."

#areebashah #salon #twitter #elonmusk #elon #musk #disinformation #racism #antisemetism #rightwing

Last updated 1 year ago

Jeremy · @bluedragon
13 followers · 67 posts · Server

@mazeldon was surprised to see this in next to the Decarie expressway today. Unlike what I hear about the US I son't find there's a big increase in here.

#montreal #antisemetism

Last updated 2 years ago

AngelCage · @RobinKey
257 followers · 756 posts · Server

Sabotage, treachery, lies the heirarchy of racism.

Martin Forde QC shares his views on the reaction (or lack of) to the in the latest instalment of Al Jazeera's

#FordeReport #LabourFiles #corbyn #antisemetism #ItWasAScam

Last updated 2 years ago

Kingsley :mastodon: :verified: · @kingsley
1557 followers · 2692 posts · Server

@CitizenWald unfortunately, it's not at all obvious that this isn't political speech.

Jews are the only people for which their national existence is considered a legitimate political line item to endorse or reject.

, in contradistinction to all other hatreds, is fundamentally irrational. Before the State of Israel, they hated us for being rootless, and now, they hate us _because_ of our land

This is why antizionism is in fact antisemetism


Last updated 2 years ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
615 followers · 967 posts · Server

Today in Labor History January 19, 1945: Soviet forces liberated the Łódź Ghetto. It was the second largest ghetto in Europe, established by the Nazis for Jews and Roma. In 1940, there were roughly 200,000 inhabitants. Fewer than 900 survived the Nazi occupation.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #holocaust #nazis #WorldWar2 #lodz #ghetto #jewish #antisemetism #roma #soviet

Last updated 2 years ago

Gilad · @gilad73
117 followers · 250 posts · Server

We are living in a time of rising . But more than that, we are witnessing how it's becoming more socially acceptable than it has been in a long time. It feels eerily like the beginning of something, but we don't know what. I think that makes tomorrow's fast of more meaningful, that was also the start of an era that we didn't know how it would end.
Here's an interesting discussion about the meaning of the Asara be Tevet, to help put it in focus:

#antisemetism #asarabetevet

Last updated 2 years ago

3 followers · 3 posts · Server

Antisemitic Attacker Jumped a New York Man and Yelled ‘Kanye 2024,’ Police Say: Police tell VICE News that a man was hospitalized after he was jumped in Central Park by a man yelling “Kanye 2024” and making antisemitic statements.

#News #kanyewest #ye #antisemetism #newyork #crime #Racism #theextremismdesk

Last updated 2 years ago

Ray Straighter :verified: · @RayStraighter
146 followers · 371 posts · Server

With now piloting the ship, I gotta say it's refreshing to have someone who knows how to rap rapping about the 's real message of , , and without all that and noise his paler wannabes friends felt they had to include. The morons and assholes who make up have coalesced, and is their leader. Thanks, .

#kanye #gop #SpaceX #rightwing #racism #antisemetism #misogyny #dogwhistle #euphemism #nazi #TheThurd #ye #elon

Last updated 2 years ago