La direction d'EELV commet deux erreurs majeures : 1- Vouloir remplacer le nom "EELV" (Europe-Écologie Les-Verts) par "Les Verts", comme si l'Europe leur faisait honte, 2 - Pire, inviter l'#antisémite #Médine à l'université d'été d'#EELV - #Universalisme #Valeurs #République
#antisemite #Medine #eelv #universalisme #valeurs #republique
@EELVParis5#EELV qui invite l' #antisémite #Médine à ses prochaines journées d'été, n'est plus crédible: des quenelles, des jeux de mots immondes sur le mode #LePen / #RN . Silence assourdissant des responsables politiques de la gauche #Nupes . La ligne rouge est franchie...
#antisemite #Medine #lepen #rn #NUPES
Le Figaro réhabilite une grande figure antisémite
Le Figaro, le grand journal de la droite française, qui touche d’importantes subventions publiques, réhabilite une des plus grandes figures raciste et #antisémite de notre Histoire : Maurice Barrès.
La gauche #Nupes n'est pas la seule concernée par la tolérance à l'égard de l' #antisémitisme: le député #LR, Jean-Louis #Thiériot rend hommage à Maurice #Barrès, auteur #antisémite . Silence de son parti...
#NUPES #antisemitisme #lr #thieriot #Barres #antisemite
Turns out #RudyGiuliani is
- a dirty old #sexist harassing female employees
- a filthy #antisemite
- a #homophobic bigot
Yo, Rudy: The the 50ies of the 20th century are over, and you just look like a very sorry Dodo and left-over from that era. Just like your pal Donald, you know?
Seriously, is there any shame or decency left with these #GOPasshats? #UnitedStates
#rudygiuliani #sexist #antisemite #homophobic #gopasshats #unitedstates
@DavidCormand@respublicae.e Inviter #Médine , #homophobe et #antisémite , est une erreur grave, toutes les "explications de texte" n'y changeront rien, le mal est fait; avec cette affaire qui restera dans les annales, #EELV n'est plus crédible. Pire, cette invitation de Médine sert les intérêts de l'extrême-droite, elle légitime leur idéologie haineuse, antisémite, raciste et homophobe
#Medine #homophobe #antisemite #eelv
Excellent set of clips putting in context the statements made over-time by #RFKJr which were taken out of context and used by Debbie Wasserman Schultz to insinuate that #RobertFKennedyJr is an #antisemite. It is obvious when put back in context that he was speaking about very important issues of #totalitarianism & #surveillance
#rfkjr #robertfkennedyjr #antisemite #totalitarianism #surveillance
Here is Rabbi Shmuley defending #RFKJr on the #Jewish News Syndicate:
"Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: ‘Bobby Kennedy is not in any way an #antisemite
#rfkjr #jewish #antisemite #robertfkennedyjr
Is Mark Robinson an ignorant, totalitarian wannabe that would destroy North Carolina?
The ignorant, totalitarian wannabe just screeched, "Yes."
This is the same guy that once said that young kids didn't need to learn science or HISTORY.
#extremist #fascist #antisemite #homophobe #sexist #history #ncpol #selfhate #KlannedKarenhood #MinivanTaliban
(On Twitter: You can follow @JoshStein_ for a sane choice for NC governor.)
#minivantaliban #klannedkarenhood #selfhate #ncpol #history #sexist #homophobe #antisemite #fascist #extremist #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy
Typical. Today's GOP is virulently anti-America.
Did guys with guns cop the bad guy with guns.
#FBI #Antisemite #MassShooting #Michigan
#michigan #massshooting #antisemite #fbi
Meanwhile, sur Twitter, Pierre Liscia, conseiller régional Les Républicains proche de Valérie Pécresse et initiateur des #SaccageParis, lance une #fakenews bien dégueulasse contre #AnneHidalgo : des tombes juives seraient visitées pour voler les bijoux sur les cadavres et la mairie de Paris tenterait de cacher l'horrible réalité.
Problème : c'est fondé sur un trope #antisémite bien connu (les juifs sont riches, etc.) Selon le rituel juif on enterre ds un linge blanc... et sans aucun bijou.
#antisemite #annehidalgo #fakenews #saccageparis
RT @4NadiaB
In our absurd reality that we live in a #jewish German woman is going to court after being called an #antisemite from a non-jew! Yup, actually happening on 04.05.2023 in Frankfurt. @RashadAlhindi
@JudithBernstei5 @PalestinSpricht #Menschenrechte #Antisemitismus #Deutschland
#jewish #antisemite #menschenrechte #antisemitismus #deutschland
@shawnwegner How quickly these cowards of hate would crawl back in their mother's closets if more in Law Enforcement had the courage of conviction to protect ALL of their community like this Sheriff. #Florida #Sheriff #Antisemite #Leadership #Ethics #LawEnforcement
#florida #sheriff #antisemite #leadership #ethics #lawenforcement
Dear god... #WhiteSupremacist, #antisemite supporter, and everyone's #AuntThomasina #CandaceOwen, per #TYT, wishes #countrymusic singer #MarenMorris would be arrested for having her kid near #dragqueens and for not living "a wholesome life"
Cenk and Ana (not fans, but they are on point here) remind her of a coquettish #RudyGiuliani and a motorboating #Trump from #SNL #history.
#whitesupremacist #antisemite #auntthomasina #candaceowen #tyt #countrymusic #marenmorris #dragqueens #rudygiuliani #trump #snl #history
'The globalists?' Yeah, Jared Kushner! Your father in law is an #antisemite!
The #GOP and #CPAC should be designated as #hategroups. Full stop
#antisemite #GOP #cpac #hategroups
#Racist & #Antisemite #RoaldDahl books get some controversial revisions related to race, gender and other issues - Invidious
#racist #antisemite #roalddahl
The “Kanye is right” slogan first rose to prominence in October, when the Goyim Defense League, a white extremist group, dropped a banner with the slogan above a Southern California overpass. Later that month, the phrase “Kanye is right about the Jews” was projected onto a building above a Jacksonville, Florida football stadium during a game attended by tens of thousands of fans
It’s absurd and indefensible that the #corrupt #Republican party will kick #IlhanOmar off her committee.
She shouldn’t lose her seat on the committee for being #Muslim — she should lose her seat in Congress in 2024 for being an #antisemite.
#corrupt #republican #ilhanomar #muslim #antisemite #antisemitism #politics #democrats #congress #racism