#MelonMusk is suing the #ADL to prove that they are defaming him for being a #Nazi and encouraging #nazis and #antisemites.
I don't understand just how he expects the discovery and conclusions in that case to go for him...
#blobcreature #moronic #ElonMusk #Twitter #legal #law #antisemites #nazis #nazi #adl #melonmusk
@nando161 thank you for sharing this. I can confirm that I'd not been aware of these episodes of violence. I'd not seen anything about it across any of the platforms I visit, including news outlets. I hope my follows will engage and share and boost your tweet about #antisemites as well.
Dozens of synagogues targeted by ‘online trolls,’ disrupting services: https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/4154964-dozens-of-synagogues-targeted-by-online-trolls-disrupting-services-adl/ ADL #usa #america #antisemites #fyi #psa #ausgov #politas #alert
#alert #politas #ausgov #PSA #fyi #antisemites #america #USA
Because I'm only seeing other #Jews posting about this, non-Jews I need you to be aware that for the past month or two there has been a wave of bomb threats and swattings at #synagogues all across the US. They usually do it when services are being livestreamed. I haven't seen a single non-Jew talking about this. High holidays are coming up in a few weeks, which is when most attacks happen against our #communities. We're worried, and we need #people to know what's happening to us.
#usa #america #antisemites #fyi #psa #ausgov #politas #alert
#jews #synagogues #communities #people #usa #america #antisemites #fyi #psa #AusGov #politas #alert
Il faut savoir que le sieur #Dieudonné profite de ses "spectacles" pour commettre des actes #antisémites qui n'ont rien à voir avec la fiction ni l'art. Un peu comme si un auteur de polars ne se contentait pas d'écrire sur des meurtres mais se mettait à assassiner des gens https://www.ladepeche.fr/2023/08/15/info-la-depeche-le-maire-de-toulouse-interdit-le-spectacle-de-dieudonne-11396917.php
Au cimetière israélite de #Belfort, cérémonie nationale en mémoire des crimes #racistes et #antisemites de Vichy et hommage aux juifs de France, en ce jour anniversaire de la rafle #VeldHiv.
« On ne fera pas un monde différent avec des gens indifférents » (Arundhati Roy). https://t.co/z45aHQu57H
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GrudlerCh/status/1680573503303475200
#Belfort #racistes #antisemites #Veldhiv
This is absolutely astonishing. George Galloway gets worse with age. David Clews is the self styled "Emperor" of conspiracy fash "Unity News Network". If you've got a strong stomach, go look at their Telegram channel. The comments on it read like Der Sturmer. And no, this isn't an Israel thing before anyone kicks off.
#antisemites #RedBrown #NazBol #antisemitism
This is absolutely astonishing. George Galloway gets worse with age. David Clews is the self styled "Emperor" of conspiracy fash "Unity News Network". If you've got a strong stomach, go look at their Telegram channel. The comments on it read like Der Sturmer. And no, this isn't an Israel thing before anyone kicks off.
#antisemites #RedBrown #NazBol #antisemitism
“[Sur ces canaux Telegram], les propos sont toujours #racistes, #antisémites et orduriers. Alors qu’il poste deux captures d’écran d’une femme noire, l’administrateur de « Affiche ton antifa » écrit, avec de nombreuses fautes d’orthographe : "Toutes infos sur ce singe, je prends." Pour d’autres personnes, comme l’avocat et membre de la Ligue des droits de l’Homme Arié Alimi ou l’écrivain Jacques Attali, on souligne qu’ils sont juifs.”
Ex-Goldman banker was 'framed,' attorney says at insider trial's close.
Framed? By #Antisemites for sure! And Palestinian garden nomes too!
#antisemites #goldmansachs #shysters #fraud
By the mid-C20, the idea that Eastern European #Jews were the descendants of #medieval #Khazar converts had become the province of cranks & #antisemites (usually both). Although the #Arab states tried to invoke this canard in the 1947 #UN Partition debate, they made relatively little global use of it afterward. It is thus very disturbing that this canard is again popular--among the racist lunatic right, but also in some Arab and pseudo-left discourse on #Israel and #Palestine #Mazeldon 3/n
#jews #medieval #khazar #antisemites #arab #un #israel #palestine #mazeldon
As a #progressive and a #Jew, it’s important to me that we don’t water down our #history. Especially when hate-filled #racists and #antisemites die.
From: @DavidCorn
#progressive #jew #history #racists #antisemites
There's a real growth in an insidious, #antisemitic conspiracy politics in the UK. It cloaks itself in populist language and hides behind terms like "globalists". I don't think half the people who adhere to it even realise that the people they're following are #racists, #antisemites and thugs. They could end up turning such dystopian politics into a big thing. I hope they realise before it's too late.
#antisemitic #racists #antisemites
Mary Trump HAMMERS #Trump Fans As ‘#WhiteSupremacists, #ChristianNationalists, #Misogynists, #AntiSemites’
#trump #whitesupremacists #christiannationalists #misogynists #antisemites
Earlier this week, Musk attacked George Soros, who he compared to X-Men super villain Magneto, and said he wanted to “erode the very fabric of civilization.”
#elonmusk #antisemitism #Twitter #GeorgeSoros #Conspiracies #conspiracytheories #antisemites #News #Ye #extremism
#elonmusk #antisemitism #twitter #georgesoros #conspiracies #conspiracytheories #antisemites #News #ye #extremism
Habib called the accusation that Israel is an apartheid state "the biggest fake news of the 21st century" and "the fuel that drives all of the antisemites in the world." https://www.jpost.com/international/article-742063 #antisemites #french #parliament #BDS
#bds #parliament #french #antisemites
Looks like another #rightwing #terrorist #threat #emerging. #psa #alert #extremism #ausgov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #nazis #neonazis #antisemites #fascism #ChristianNationalism #ChristoFascism
#rightwing #terrorist #threat #emerging #psa #alert #extremism #AusGov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #nazis #neonazis #antisemites #fascism #ChristianNationalism #ChristoFascism
Without a doubt, you know that this technology will be used to produce deepfake blood libels and similar imagery to incite against #Jews. #Antisemites have been using relabeled images from Syria and elsewhere for years, not to mention creating the industry of poorly staged fakes known as Pallywood. https://santarosapressdemocrat-ca.newsmemory.com?selDate=20230409&goTo=B01&artid=3
2/2 De quels contenus #antisémites parle-t-on ?
Pas moins de 19 000 tweets étudiés évoquent #GeorgeSoros (très cité par les complotistes de tous poils), beaucoup d'autres prennent la défense du rappeur #KanyeWest auteur de propos clairement antisémites, pas mal parlent de la guerre russe en #Ukraine (manigancée par les juifs, ou bien pour traiter Zelensky, lui-même juif... de sympathies nazies).
#ukraine #KanyeWest #georgesoros #antisemites
Netanyahu: "They are all Antisemites"
- Cartoon by Jos Collignon.
Source: https://twitter.com/CollignonJos/status/1636833139564728320
#Israel #israelis #Palestine #palestinian #palestinians #PalestinianLivesMatter #antisemites #antisemitism #zionism #antizionism #democracy #apartheid #fascism #jews #jewish #judaism #arabs #christians #muslims #hebrew #Netanyahu
#netanyahu #hebrew #muslims #christians #arabs #judaism #jewish #jews #fascism #apartheid #democracy #antizionism #zionism #antisemitism #antisemites #PalestinianLivesMatter #palestinians #palestinian #palestine #israelis #Israel