Ben Camacho filed an anti-SLAPP motion against the City of LA for suing him over all those cop head shots LAPD released in response to a public records request. Here's a copy of the motion, to be heard on August 2.
#LosAngeles #CPRA #AntiSLAPP #LA #LAPD #ACAB #BenCamacho #KnockLA #PublicRecords
#losangeles #CPRA #antislapp #la #lapd #acab #bencamacho #knockla #publicrecords
Στα καλά νέα της ημέρας, απορρίφθηκε ακόμη μια #SLAPP αγωγή, αυτή τη φορά η αγωγή της εταιρείας αιολικών «WRE ΕΛΛΑΣ» εναντίον του δημοσιογράφου Τάσου Σαραντή και της Εφημερίδας των Συντακτών για το ρεπορτάζ με τον τίτλο «Οι ανεμογεννήτριες “γεννούν” βιομηχανία διώξεων» ( ✌🏻✊🏻
Λεπτομέρειες εδώ:
Is there the possibility of a reincarnated anti SLAPP law in MN or is the court just full stop against this? You'd think a few R's could be peeled off to support this as well. Federal law still seems a pipe dream. #mnleg #antiSLAPP
@AnarchoDoggo #spoliation letter is routine. Don't know anything about fediblock procedure but having attended law school in New York State pose a question - doesn't NYS have an #antislapp law?
No knowledge of the backstory and not taking sides in this cage fight but this does look like a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation and hopefully folks will work this all out Peace.