I live with my cat Pluton, I'm #disabled and homebound since 2021 because of #endometriosis and #adenomyosis, trying to find community online. English is not my first language
Main hobbies are #foraging and #gardening, nature inspires me in everything I do and everything I believe in
I'm mostly involved in food justice, climate action, disability justice, #antispeciesism, reproductive rights and community care
Happy to connect, not a big social media person so it might take me a while to get the hang of things !
#disabled #Endometriosis #adenomyosis #foraging #gardening #antispeciesism
Les vaches produisent du lait pour la même raison que les humains : pour nourrir leurs petits. Ne rejoignez pas ce système d'exploitation, achetez avec plus de respect pour les animaux, achetez #légumes.
#legumes #plantpower #compassion #antispeciesism #vegan #dairyfree
🔥Más acción y menos blablabla.
🎶PIB - Excusas.
#antispeciesism #speciesism #vegan #freedom #capitalism #anticapitalism #murder #burgerking #actnow #climatechange #climatecrisis #climate #spain #drought #animalrights #humanrights #ecologist #globalwarming #activism #rebellion #animals #ecocide #massacre
#antispeciesism #speciesism #vegan #freedom #capitalism #anticapitalism #murder #burgerking #actnow #climatechange #climatecrisis #climate #spain #drought #animalrights #humanrights #ecologist #globalwarming #activism #rebellion #animals #ecocide #massacre
[Mai 2023, Grèce] Revendication d’attaques antispécistes
Via Dark Nights (en), Athens Indymedia (gr)
A l’occasion de la célébration du grand massacre, s’est éveillé notre réflexe contre un rituel qui se déroule à intervalles réguliers et qui valide les règles de la hiérarchie des espèces où les animaux so
#2023 #anarchist #antispeciesism #butcher #DirectAction #greece #sabotage
#Anarchist #antispeciesism #butcher #directaction #greece #sabotage
[Mai 2023, Italie] Actions contre le meurtre d’une ours capturée
Via Unoffensive Animal
12 Mai, en Italie:
Libérez les ours !
Les ours sauvages du Trentin, en Italie, sont de nouveau attaquéEs par l’administration locale, en particulier par le gouverneur local Maurizio Fugatti, à la suite d’une attaque mortelle contre un h
#antispeciesism #directaction #italy
[Mars 2023, Suède] L’ALF attaque une boucherie
Via Unoffensive Animal
Mars, Värmland, Suède
L'ALF (Animal Liberation Front) a taggé une boucherie avec le graffiti « DJURPLÅGARE », ce qui signifie AGRESSEURS D’ANIMAUX en suédois. De plus, nous avons déjà retiré et détruit des publicités en carton
#2023 #alf #AnimalLiberationFront #antispeciesism #butcher #DirectAction #sabotage #sweden
#alf #animalliberationfront #antispeciesism #butcher #directaction #sabotage #sweden
[Avril 2023, USA] Des enfants attaquent un cirque
Via North American Animal Liberation Press Office (NAALPO)
Baraboo, Wisconsin
« À l’heure actuelle, la police de Baraboo demande aux enfants qui ont vandalisé des biens à Circus World de se manifester.
Sur Facebook, les autorités ont déclaré que plusieurs enfants se sont introdui
#antispeciesism #circus #directaction #sabotage
I read a fascinating article on #veganism that is required reading for anyone with a #vegan interest. Written by #JordiCasamitjana (author of #EthicalVegan), he states 5 core philosophical principles of veganism. They are, #Ahimsa, #Sentience, #AntiExploitation, #AntiSpeciesism, and #Vicariousness.
My favourite section:
“There are three pillars of the current system. The system is based on consumerism, which is what I call ‘greed is good’ rule. It’s a false axiom of consumerism, which says that the pursuit of happiness is best accomplished by stoking and satisfying a never-ending series of desires. It’s an axiom in our civilisation because you routinely see 3000 ads every day, and you think it’s normal. The second is the false axiom of supremacism, which is that life is a competitive game in which those who have gained an advantage may possess, enslave, and exploit animals, nature, and the disadvantaged, for their pursuit of happiness. This is what I call ‘the might is right’ rule. The third pillar is the false axiom of global hunger, because without global hunger you cannot get people to do some of these dirty jobs that no one would like to do — like slaughterhouse work, and people raising animals for food in the villages. They are not doing it because they want to do it, they’re doing it because they have to”.
He ends with a solution to this in a #VeganWorld.
We can forever dream. 🌱
#veganism #vegan #jordicasamitjana #ethicalvegan #ahimsa #sentience #antiexploitation #antispeciesism #vicariousness #veganworld #govegan #VeganForTheAnimals #vegans #animalrights
No Border, No Nation, Animal Liberation!
Warch this to understand how we see animal liberation and anarchism as conected!! (content warning: sexism, racism, violence against animals)
#vegan #veganarchist #animalliberation #anarchism #antispe
#antispeciesism #antispeziesismus #tierbefreiung #Tierbefreierinnenleipzig
#Tierbefreierinnenleipzig #tierbefreiung #antispeziesismus #antispeciesism #Antispe #Anarchism #animalliberation #veganarchist #Vegan
No Border, No Nation, Animal Liberation!
Watch this to understand how we see animal liberation and anarchism as connected!! (content warning: sexism, racism, violence against animals)
#vegan #veganarchist #animalliberation #anarchism #antispe
#antispeciesism #antispeziesismus #tierbefreiung #Tierbefreierinnenleipzig
#Tierbefreierinnenleipzig #tierbefreiung #antispeziesismus #antispeciesism #Antispe #Anarchism #animalliberation #veganarchist #Vegan
Rob Whitehall Ⓥ (@robdoubleyoo): "We spawned a world of pain and fear; and that, in turn, begat #foiegras: a seeming caricature of man's bloody abuse of dominion. Renounce exploitation, shun violence, #govegan #AbolishAnimalAgriculture #Antispeciesism" | Nitter | PussTheCat.org – https://nitter.pussthecat.org/robdoubleyoo/status/1620476937524379650#m
#antispeciesism #abolishanimalagriculture #govegan #foiegras
RT @robdoubleyoo@twitter.com
"A nation of animal-lovers"! This is your #bacon, U.K. consumers! Animal agriculture is a disgrace the world over. The very concept is an outrage. You pay them to exploit, to torture, to murder the innocent. Or you're #vegan. It's no more complicated than that. #antispeciesism
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/robdoubleyoo/status/1619051963920056321
RT @robdoubleyoo@twitter.com
Cruelty in animal agriculture is systemic. So long as we view sentient creatures as machines and/or products, the suffering will endure. To avoid funding exploitation and misery, you have but one course of action - to #govegan
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/robdoubleyoo/status/1618288357393723392
#govegan #abolishanimalagriculture #antispeciesism
RT @robdoubleyoo@twitter.com
Morally criminal commodification of innocent sentient life! Individuals are not merchandise. Stop exploiting them as if they are - #govegan
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/robdoubleyoo/status/1617928545979990016
#govegan #abolishanimalagriculture #antispeciesism
Not sure if you'd say this were #antispeciesism gone too far, but what keeps so many of you from calling an animal not "it" but "they"?
Vegan Égoïste : Quelques réflexions sur une libération animale individualiste
Je suis vegan comme je suis un.e animal.e, un.e égoïste, un.e nihiliste et un.e anarchiste. En tant qu’animalE, je constate que ma libération est entrelacée avec la libération de
#anarchism #animalliberation #antispeciesism #egoism #individualism #nihilism #vegan #veganism #zinesfr
#anarchism #animalliberation #antispeciesism #egoism #individualism #nihilism #Vegan #veganism #zinesfr
La place qu’occupent les chevaux dans l’antispécisme / The place of horses in antispeciesism.
#chevaux #horses #equestrian #monter #hiding #animals #vegan #antispécisme #antispeciesism
#chevaux #horses #equestrian #monter #hiding #animals #vegan #antispecisme #antispeciesism
Feeding a dog vegan is like ~12 years ago when I was vegan. Not even one person shows respect or at least leaves no comment.
I hate the normative society.
Yes, she is healthy.
Yes, it doesnt make any fucking sense to rescue a dog from a shelter and then feed it with other tortured animals!!!
#dog #dogsonmastodon #vegan #equality #antispeciesism
If you are passionate about a movement, political, religious or even environmental issue would you ink an activists tattoo?
25 Radical Activists Tattoos.
#activist #activism #vegan #antispeciesism #tattoo
#activist #activism #vegan #antispeciesism #tattoo
RT @robdoubleyoo@twitter.com
"Animals and humans suffer and die alike. Violence causes the same pain, the same spilling of blood, the same stench of death. We don't have to be a part of it" - Dick Gregory. #antispeciesism #vegan
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/robdoubleyoo/status/1610325976327622656