TUC criticises Tory government for 'steamrolling' anti-strike bill through parliament
#Tories https://www.thecanary.co/uk/news/2023/01/30/tuc-criticises-tory-government-for-steam-rolling-anti-strike-bill-through-parliament/
>"It is shameful that parliamentarians are being forced to vote blindly on such far-reaching new laws" says the TUC
#tuc #antistrikelegislation #antistrikelaws #tories
Grants Shapps’ anti-strike plan faces tough time in the Lords and in the courts | The Independent
The upper chamber has been a constant thorn in the side of the Tory government, writes Adam Forrest, enjoying some recent success in watering down the harshest elements of a number of bills
#shapps #antistrikelegislation #antistrikelaws #houseoflords #lords #courts #minimumserviceguarentee
Tory plans to force workers to cross picket lines an ‘authoritarian attack on human rights’ | Morning Star
Unions call for mass movement of resistance against anti-strike bill
#tories #antistrikelegislation #antistrikelaws #minimumserviceguarrantee #unions #massmovementofresistance
The #Tory Government's war on #working people begins as it introduces new #AntiStrikeLegislation
"The simple fact of the matter is this government has actually declared war on working people by attacking our long standing British liberties. It’s no coincidence its happening at the very moment workers across the country are uniting and saying #EnoughIsEnough to the biggest drop in living standards since records began."
#ToryCostOfGreedCrisis #ClassWarfare
#tory #working #antistrikelegislation #enoughisenough #torycostofgreedcrisis #classwarfare #righttostrike #joinaunion
Government rubbished their own anti-strike legislation plans, Labour reveals | Morning Star
#antistrikelegislation #antistrikelaws #tories #toriesout #ukgovt #ukgovernment #labour
Government's proposed anti-strike law is a ‘symbol’ that ministers are losing the argument | Morning Star
#tories #toriesout #antistrikelaws #antistrikelegislation #ukgovt #ukgovernment