Popular Front Magazine // Issue 01
The zine is over, but the magazine is here. This is a professional publication containing some the best conflict journalism you’ll read. We’re reporting from the ground amidst ongoing wars in Congo, America’s armed trans movement, and Ukraine’s volunteer militias. Also: 3D-printed weapons workshops in Syria, youth rebellion in Palestine, anti-surveillance tech, and much more.
#PopularFront #Magazine #conflict #journalism #ontheground #congo #transmovement #ukrainemilitias #3dprintedweapons #palestine #antisurveillance #getit
#popularfront #magazine #conflict #journalism #ontheground #congo #transmovement #ukrainemilitias #3dprintedweapons #palestine #antisurveillance #getit
Everyday I feel like I learn more that suggests we’re headed to a #PostPrivacy world. While I still think #encryption and #AntiSurveillance work is important, I also keep feeling like we need to be conscientiously building and testing mechanisms to build a safe and inclusive society in a post-privacy context.
#postprivacy #encryption #antisurveillance
Weekly Musings 193: On Paying for Services
#anarchy #anarchism #antisurveillance
here* for all the anti surveillance clothing & makeup discussions
Found this video this morning. With a simple Firefox extension, you can become a bridge to the Tor network, which is hella helpful to those stuck in areas with hefty surveillance that’d make using anonymous web browsing dangerous.
“Be Anonymous: Tor Snowflake Bridges”
#Tor #privacy #antisurveillance
#tor #privacy #antisurveillance
Found this video this morning. With a simple Firefox extension, you can become a bridge to the Tor network, which is hella helpful to those stuck in areas with dangerous surveillance.
#tor #privacy #antisurveillance
incogni vs. deleteme ? #databrokers #antisurveillance #antidatabrokerage
#databrokers #antisurveillance #antidatabrokerage
Recently found this project really interesting and it did saved my life ! (nope)
You will know what it is if you have been to #China in recent years.
PS. I should start learning Web development. :ablobfoxbongohyper:
#china #antisurveillance #digitalrightsarehumanrights
@Cleoqc @freedom_baird OK that is dope AF.
#needlepunk #knitting #antisurveillance
From the ABOUT page:
Law enforcement surveillance isn’t always secret. These technologies can be discovered in news articles and government meeting agendas, in company press releases and social media posts. It just hasn’t been aggregated before....
#AtrasOfSurveillance #eff #privacy #antisurveillance