Yay! Leif Nixon got there! His air travel was touch and go there. Now he's talking about providing 3d printed grenade parts to Ukraine
His talk tomorrow at #BSidesUme is on how to hack a country
#webcast #antisyphon #bsides #bsidesume
If you missed today's talk: "The Top $_num Reasons You Got Hacked in 2022" by Jordan and Kent for Antisyphon / BHIS - @Antisy_Training / @blackhillsinfosec
YouTube Video is now up!
If you're not on the BHIS Discord server (Slide deck in the Discord):
#infosec #antisyphon #bhis #2022recap #security #cybersecurity #blueteam #redteam #purpleteam
#infosec #antisyphon #BHIS #2022recap #security #cybersecurity #blueteam #redteam #purpleteam
If you missed today's talk: "The Top $_num Reasons You Got Hacked in 2022" by Jordan and Kent for Antisyphon / BHIS - @Antisy_Training / @blackhillsinfosec
Twitch VOD here:
If you're not on the Infosec Knowledge Sharing Discord server (Slide deck in the Discord):
#infosec #antisyphon #bhis #2022recap #security #cybersecurity #blueteam #redteam #purpleteam
#infosec #antisyphon #BHIS #2022recap #security #cybersecurity #blueteam #redteam #purpleteam
@Antisy_Training / @blackhillsinfosec Webcast:
The Top $_num Reasons You Got Hacked in 2022 with Kent & Jordan
Live NOW on Twitch:
If you're not on the Infosec Knowledge Sharing Discord server:
If you missed today's talk: "How to Build a Home Lab for Infosec" from @Antisy_Training / @blackhillsinfosec / @Ralphte
Now the YouTube video is up!
If you're not on the Infosec Knowledge Sharing Discord server:
#homelab #infosec #antisyphon #bhis #selfhosted #selfhosting #selfhost #youtube
#homelab #infosec #antisyphon #BHIS #selfhosted #selfhosting #selfhost #youtube
If you missed today's talk: "How to Build a Home Lab for Infosec" from @Antisy_Training / @blackhillsinfosec / @Ralphte
You can check out the VOD on Twitch:
If you're not on the Infosec Knowledge Sharing Discord server:
#homelab #infosec #antisyphon #bhis #selfhosted #selfhosting #selfhost
#homelab #infosec #antisyphon #BHIS #selfhosted #selfhosting #selfhost