"“but what about separating the #art from the #artist” buddy. listen to me. joanne kathleen #rowling is relevant for one reason and one reason only—she wrote harry potter. that’s why she’s famous. that is the bedrock of her fucking platform. jk rowling is the harry potter lady and harry potter is the jk rowling guy. this is not the same thing as listening to a song on repeat even though the keyboardist was an asshole, or reading a novel by some dude who sucked #ideological shit in the 1800s. jk rowling has a hate platform right now, today, and she sustains it off of harry potter bucks. u will forgive me if i am unwilling to advertise for her"
#terfs #swerfs #radfems #classwar #boycott #antiterf #antiswerf #antiradfems #farright #rightwing #bigots #hypocrites #altright
#Art #artist #rowling #ideological #terfs #swerfs #radfems #classwar #boycott #antiterf #antiSWERF #antiradfems #farright #rightwing #bigots #hypocrites #altright
My #introduction stuffs:
From metro #nyc
Grandchild of #jewish #leftist #immigrants; #AntiFascist #AntiRacist #AntiTERF
#Queer, out since 1979; went through MANY labels till I found #genderfluid #genderqueer #trans
#Gaymer - current game of choice is #ElderScrollsOnline
#Disabled #spoonie, fan of #cannabis for #chronicpain
Wide ranging music loves include #SteelyDan #FrankZappa #TheWho #DavidBowie #punk #disco #jazz #opera more
Avid #foodie and #homecook, #omnivore
#introduction #retired #nyc #jewish #leftist #immigrants #antifascist #antiracist #antiterf #queer #genderfluid #genderqueer #trans #gaymer #elderscrollsonline #disabled #spoonie #cannabis #chronicpain #steelydan #frankzappa #thewho #davidbowie #punk #disco #jazz #opera #foodie #homecook #omnivore
wondering if this is funny
mv "{terfs,racists,fascists,and related}" /dev/null
(basically move horrible people into /dev/null, the empty space of unix computing; nothing comes out, anything goes in lost forever)
#bash #shell #joke #fuckterfs #antiterf
My #introduction stuffs:
From metro #nyc
Grandchild of #jewish #leftist #immigrants; #AntiFascist #AntiRacist #AntiTERF
#Queer, out since 1979; went through MANY labels till I found #genderfluid #genderqueer #trans
#Disabled #spoonie, fan of #cannabis for #chronicpain
Wide ranging music loves include #SteelyDan #FrankZappa #TheWho #DavidBowie #punk #disco #jazz #opera more
Avid #foodie and #homecook, #omnivore
#Gaymer - current game of choice is #ElderScrollsOnline
#introduction #retired #nyc #jewish #leftist #immigrants #AntiFascist #AntiRacist #antiterf #queer #genderfluid #genderqueer #trans #disabled #spoonie #cannabis #chronicpain #steelydan #frankzappa #thewho #davidbowie #punk #disco #jazz #opera #foodie #homecook #omnivore #Gaymer #elderscrollsonline
If you're "Pro-JK Rowling", I'm Anti-You. TERFs fuck off.
#fuckterfs #antiterf #terfsfuckoff #antijkr #antijkrowling
#introduction redux:
From metro #nyc
Grandchild of #jewish #leftist #immigrants; #AntiFascist #AntiRacist #AntiTERF
#Queer since 1979; went through MANY labels till I found #genderfluid #genderqueer #trans
#Disabled #spoonie, fan of #cannabis for #chronicpain
Wide ranging music loves include #steelydan #frankzappa #thewho #davidbowie #pfunk plus #jazz #opera more
Avid #foodie and #homecook, #omnivore
#Gaymer - current game of choice is #ElderScrollsOnline
#introduction #retired #nyc #jewish #leftist #immigrants #antifascist #antiracist #antiterf #queer #genderfluid #genderqueer #trans #disabled #spoonie #cannabis #chronicpain #steelydan #frankzappa #thewho #davidbowie #pfunk #jazz #opera #foodie #homecook #omnivore #gaymer #elderscrollsonline
Hey comrades! I’m Neal, an #artist and #trans rights advocate. I am #neurodivergent , love #plants and #animals , am an #80sKid currently obsessing over #RetroGaming , and I love my #queer community. I am an #AroAce #transgender man and am always looking for new friends who share my #antifacist values. #antiracist #antiableist #Abolition #antiTERF #LandBack #anticapitalist #Introduction
#artist #trans #neurodivergent #plants #animals #80sKid #retrogaming #queer #AroAce #transgender #antifacist #AntiRacist #antiableist #Abolition #antiterf #landback #anticapitalist #Introduction
#AmericanIronFront flyered in Vienna, #Virginia, to warn people about the dire threat to our #democracy from fascist groups.
There are many ways to join in #antifascist organizing, and if #Antifa is more your style we encourage you to join them! You can also make your own group. It's as easy as getting a few friends together and finding something to do. There are opportunities for activism in person, online, and a mixture of the two.
A note on imagery: We tend to use more patriotic imagery which doesn't always sit well with folks and that's ok. However, we personally believe in reclaiming our national symbols and making them anti-fascist as an act of defiance and resistance.
We will always be in #solidarity with anyone fighting fascism, as long as they aren't engaging in hate speech against marginalized groups. We are #AntiTERF, pro #transRights, pro #racialJustice, and support #DisabilityRights
Anti-fascist organizing has never been more important. Get involved and help protect your community from the growing violence of the alt-right.
#AmericanIronFront #virginia #democracy #antifascist #antifa #solidarity #antiterf #transrights #RacialJustice #DisabilityRights